Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting遊戲截圖
Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting遊戲截圖
Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting遊戲截圖
Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting遊戲截圖
Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting遊戲截圖
Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting遊戲截圖
Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting遊戲截圖
Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting遊戲截圖
Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting遊戲截圖
Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting遊戲截圖
Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting遊戲截圖
Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting遊戲截圖
Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting遊戲截圖
Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting遊戲截圖
Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting遊戲截圖
Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting遊戲截圖
Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting遊戲截圖
Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting遊戲截圖
Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting遊戲截圖
Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting遊戲截圖
Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting遊戲截圖
Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting遊戲截圖
Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting遊戲截圖
Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting遊戲截圖
Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting

Sniper Strike FPS 3D Shooting

廠商 Mobile Gaming Studios Ltd.
54,931 下載22,715 追蹤


Sniper Strike 是一款高燃值的狙擊手體驗,讓你在三種遊戲模式及數百個戰役中浴血奮戰。體驗前所未有的 AAA 級手機狙擊手遊戲。




● 搜尋線上好友(與敵人),並在即時狙擊手決戰中挑戰他

● 與公會好友攜手完成各類任務,並為與菁英秩序的最終決戰做好準備。

● 贏得越多,玩的越好 - 升級並接受更難、更快的挑戰,這將使你能在排行榜飛升!

無論你是參與即時 PvP 狙擊手對決,與突破專家孤狼一起救援人質,還是在競技場模式中成為最終的勝利者,這都是不可錯過的史詩級主視角射擊體驗!


滿分為 10



Sniper Elite 2005 | Mission 2 | Assassinate Bormann | Level 3 | Brandenburg Gate | Kohstnoxd
520 瀏覽 06/07/2023
Huzaifa Afghan
805 瀏覽 05/25/2023
Graphics Look Great..
795 瀏覽 12/01/2021
This game is totally awesome infact it's a absolutely excellent shooting game in my opinion this is in the top 5 of best ever shooting games ever made. along side (1)SHADOW GUN LEGENDS.(2) SNIPER STRIKE (5) KILLSHOT BRAVO which has lost It's mojo because the Devs won't do anything about the cheaters. but this has only got one negative and that's the price of gold and crates if they added tapjoy it would make this game even more awesome than it is now there's 4 different guns you have to have a certain one for each mode which you get for free with the cash you win completing missions also all guns have multiple upgrades which you need to do the further you get these guns are sniper, shotgun,mg,and pistol but you can buy a number of premium models of each weapon for gold which you have to buy with real money but if you are patient you can save up the free gold which can get about 5 to 10 per day depending on which advert you want to watch to double your prize as there is a limited number of ads shared between all modes and you can join a clan were you can make friends and join in extra clan missions for legend gear and perks you have 3 main modes that's arena for extra cash main missions which has 13 zones with about 60+ missions per zone and PvP which again has alot of different types like armour and headshot only etc also they do single player tournaments and clan tournaments plus it's all advert free unless you want to watch for the extra rewards also you have a bounty mode which you can buy the event guns or win them from crates which makes it much easier and faster because you do a significant amount more damage to the enemy with one. they have 4 different modes frost, zombies , alien and machines.
Sniper Elite 2005 | Mission 2 | Assassinate Bormann | Level 2 | Reichstag.
3.8K 瀏覽 06/06/2023
Sniper Elite 2005 Playing in 2023 | Mission 1 Karlshorst | Meet The Informant | Kohstnoxd
2.1K 瀏覽 06/05/2023
Sniper Elite 2005 | Mission 3 | Extract Agent | Level 4 | French Cathedral.
1.4K 瀏覽 06/16/2023
Sniper Elite 2005 | Mission 3 | Extract Agent | Level 5 | Exfiltrate The Square | Kohstnoxd
2K 瀏覽 06/18/2023
Sniper Elite 2005 | Mission 3 | Extract Agent | Level 1 | Missing Contact | Kohstnoxd
407 瀏覽 06/09/2023
Sniper Elite 2005 | Mission 3 | Extract Agent | Level 2 | Meet The Courier | Kohstnoxd
627 瀏覽 06/10/2023
Sniper Elite 2005 | Mission 3 | Extract Agent | Level 3 | Infiltrate The Square | Kohstnoxd
684 瀏覽 06/13/2023