(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

3 회 조회 03/28/2019
Rabbit budding style, the game starts with only two buttons, an acceleration, a jump button, simple UI interface. Although there are only two keys, but the operability is also greater, the longer the jump keys press, the higher the height of pick-up. It is a very leisure Parkour game, but this game is only a stand-alone version at present. As a Parkour type game, its life span is not long. Players experience a sense of novelty. Once the novelty passes, they will be tired of it. If the online version is open and interactive functions are added, it may be different, for example, to have a PK with friends, or to increase the arena, and so on. High rewards, to stimulate players to participate at the same time, enhance honor
6 회 조회 03/22/2019
兔頭還能撞導彈我也是驚了,真兔子聽到點聲響就嚇破膽了…… 玩起來很輕鬆,全程只要兩個按鍵,跳和衝刺,衝刺相當於一個無敵狀態。每一關都會給你三顆星的目標,玩家要儘量跟著金幣走完成目標。 遊戲前期給的金幣挺多的,可以開寶箱收集套裝,解鎖技能加成,也可以升級被動。或者買雞仔、猩猩、正太等等角色。 遊戲只有40關,分為平原、沙灘、森林、雪山等等主題,畫風清新可愛,操作難度不高,有廣告但是不煩人。屬於放鬆型的休閒遊戲,喜歡這一類型的可以試試看。
1 회 조회 03/22/2019
跑酷遊戲,遊戲本身的製作素質是非常出色的,爽快感出色的撞擊,設計巧妙的關卡,多種類的人物與換裝,總的來說一款跑酷遊戲應該有的元素《暴走兔子》都有了。 但遊戲整體的畫風,個人的感覺還是偏向於低齡向,遊戲缺乏目的性與故事性,角色和服裝的設計也不太符合我的審美,說實話很難推動缺乏動力的我繼續玩下去。 但或許我並不是這款遊戲的目標受眾吧,畢竟遊戲的質量還是很不錯的,碎片時間偶爾也可以拿出來跑個幾關。
78 회 조회 03/22/2019
很休閒很童趣的跑酷休息,從畫風到玩兒法都是。 常規的跑酷玩法,萌萌的小兔幾,各種可以解鎖的角色以及衣服。總得來說,遊戲很休閒、很童趣、很輕鬆。如果玩膩了那種肝肝肝氪氪氪的遊戲,這個倒是你閒暇時間不錯的一個選擇~
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