滿分為 10


9 瀏覽 07/24/2019
其實遊戲一開始的時候很好玩。遊戲更新了越來越差。比如:角色和技能和原版完全不一樣。 KR地區雖然很多人已經都不玩了。我希望感受到剛開服的時候的味道! !
8 瀏覽 12/13/2019
为什么选了角色进不到游戏 在更新中吗
Ray Chan
7 瀏覽 12/25/2019
5 瀏覽 10/12/2021
Jiagui Lu
2 瀏覽 04/16/2020
更新 更新
692 瀏覽 05/21/2020
..the forge system everything expensive korea done better this one too yet i appreciate the devs hardwork for the server...korea join all scania server and union together so to reduce the lag should do this crossserver meaning all servers is together... So that the tables for the server name all can reduce to scania no need asia 1 scania asia 2 scania save space save table save address allow deletion of character within 24hours? Many
1.4K 瀏覽 08/28/2023
I don:t know what I was expecting to be honest. A classic maplestory server from back in 03-05 ported to mobile maybe? Unrealistic to expect anything from Nexon at this point. Am I being salty? Yea but this is still one a huge hot pile of trash that hurt me right in the childhood.
385 瀏覽 09/12/2022
Good game but heavy p2w progression around level 150-170, or alternatively a very consistent and calculated, lengthy grind. Go in with realistic expectations; play the game for the graphic charm, the cosmetics/outfits, social aspect, nostalgia, just something flashy and interactive to hop in and out of whole you’ve got some spare moments. Just don’t expect to burst to endgame and definitely don’t expect to compete with the whales/ high-end top tier endgame players.
My personal favourite Mobile games 🦆
4.3K 瀏覽 06/03/2023
Black Angel
593 瀏覽 12/09/2022
Hope the game developer releases more Vietnamese ..