滿分為 10


20 瀏覽 04/26/2019
根據俄羅斯少數民族科米人的神話傳說改編,風格迥異的黑白風解謎。 沒有奔跑,也沒有跳躍。麋鹿人緩慢行走着,穿梭在不同世界中。 一雙可以看透真實的眼睛,爲我們揭開隱藏在表面世界的神祕面紗。 人界有吃人的人,魂界有兇悍的神,亦有願意幫助我們的魂靈。 空靈的音樂,靜謐的氛圍,在與形形***人物、動物的接觸過程中不斷前行。 謎題難度不深,大部分時間都花在了行走上。所以比起解謎遊戲,我其實更願意定義爲一個探索遊戲,一個行走遊戲。 遊戲還能隨時回顧之前的片段,反覆欣賞和體味每一個場景。 除去主線劇情的探索部分,還有不少文物供玩家收集,每個文物都有詳盡的描述。 唯一的遺憾就是沒有中文吧。
Arul Vats
78 瀏覽 03/13/2024
Totally worth it. This game is one of the finest master piece. I had great experience in playing it. The only thing I didn't like was that the game is shorter. Looking forward to see more games like this from your side Vladimir. I have played numerous Android games; however this is the only game I loved.
Jay Hunter
A Mythological Adventure Through the Creation of the World - The Mooseman Review
3.9K 瀏覽 08/24/2022
Chaotic Inc.
Chaotic Inc.
TapTap Creator
The Myths Of The Mooseman | Mooseman Gameplay First Impressions
13K 瀏覽 08/23/2022
1.8K 瀏覽 10/07/2023
TapTap Creator
The Mooseman - A Mythic Adventure Game | Gameplay
22K 瀏覽 08/21/2022
524 瀏覽 03/16/2020
A very beautiful game with exploration of the world, based on the plots of the Perm animal style. The game will allow you to learn the myths and traditions of the Finno-Ugric tribes. The game is based on a journey through beautiful locations and gaining new abilities. In the game there are caches with artifacts that are hidden from view, and their search brings interest to the leisurely gameplay! I recommend for download !!!
wake up
958 瀏覽 08/04/2023
Its really beautiful, wear a headset for optimal music experience.. But its to slow for me
Jay Hunter
Journeying Through Hell to Restore Light and Warmth to the World in The Mooseman
8.3K 瀏覽 08/24/2022
419 瀏覽 12/22/2019
The ethereal feel the game gives off is absolutely amazing, the sounds and the narrating voice give the game an amazing atmosphere. Would definitely reccomend this game :)