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5 瀏覽 03/27/2019
切換到第一人稱,打開後視鏡,選一個喜歡的電台,啟動引擎……你會瞬間迷上開卡車的感覺!遊戲模擬的環境極為逼真,晚上可以打開大燈,下雨時開雨刷,轉彎能打轉向等,後視鏡裡擦身而過的汽車、圍欄讓人時刻提心吊膽,即使是直行,也一點都不敢馬虎。 玩家要完成遊戲佈置的裝貨、運貨、卸貨等任務來獲得報酬,裝貨和卸貨相對困難,因為要反覆地前進、後退,來讓車尾和貨物區對接,這個階段切換第三人稱視角,能大幅降低難度。運貨途中把握好速度,跟著地圖走就行。
28 瀏覽 03/27/2019
不知是誰先把“駕駛模擬”這一想法帶到遊戲中的,總之,汽車遊戲可以分為兩種:凸非真實刺激感的,和力求還原現實感受的。 前者以《狂野飆車》、《真實賽車》為代表,後者是近年來興起的一款類型,也說不上為什麼會有人喜歡:你不僅無法開著車到處浪,還得忍受狀況百出的路況(和現實一樣),注意配件的損壞,不停操心路上的限速信息。 在手機端也不乏這樣的作品,比如《Truck Simulator 2018 : Europe》。 你要遵守交通規則、注意路況、在多變的環境下謹慎開車,當然飆車是不行的,否則你會被罰得褲子都不剩。 就這樣慢悠悠開著卡車,運貨賺錢,觀看三個視角下的一路風景。 然後點根煙,逐漸回味這充滿悠閒意味的司機人生。
6 瀏覽 03/26/2019
非常完善的卡車模擬遊戲。 從建立公司,庫房拉貨,到賺錢,這一套體系非常成熟了。而在卡車模擬操作方面,有三種視角,可以應對各種狀況,一路上還有無線電可以隨時提醒你,有點導航味道,個人比較喜歡的還有倒擋的設定,是一個拉桿,非常有畫面感。 除此之外,歐卡注重的就是路線,能夠看到多樣的風景,這點遊戲也能保證,我們可以跑多條路線賺錢,並且這途中,你會遇到各種突發事件,什麼暴雨,路邊修路,封路,如何面對這些突發事件,就是老司機們的技術了。 當然,卡車的判定不算嚴格,你碰撞會有損耗,但也不會太誇張,不過要注意的是,基本的交通法規還是要注意,闖紅燈也會扣錢的。
Fatih BRG
Truck Simulator : Europe Gameplay Walkrough #1
2K 瀏覽 11/21/2022
985 瀏覽 06/22/2022
This game is really good, but there are a few things I don't like: the distribution of gas stations, restaurants, and motels is not reasonable. The driver's time to rest and eat is too earlyThe way to choose cars for drivers on duty is not flexible. The function on the car is too meager, even though the game is published by the same publisher as "bus simulator", providing a poor experience.
730 瀏覽 01/20/2023
TRUCKERS OF EUROPE V/S UNIVERSAL TRUCK SIMULATOR COMPARISON STUDY delete Most Comparison and most playing game of year 2022 Here is my video that shows you best comparison between toe3 vs uts both game are grate but different are shown in this video Here is you can see my video on youtube Also Subscribe my YouTube Channel $ Go with this$ 
306 瀏覽 03/27/2019
Maybe if you played a lot of steam games, you know this game well. It is one of the most famous game of truck simulation, and it is quite famous globally. Although PC version has a Metacritic score of 7.8, but, mobile game seems to be really interesting. I think, It shows a perfect performance on a mobile device.
415 瀏覽 03/27/2019
Compared to a variety of exciting competitive games, this game are exceptionally relaxing. In addition to testing your operation, the game itself is more than just letting you relax. Imagine driving a large truck and moving around in the picturesque city or countryside. Of course, you need to deal with all kinds of unexpected situations, such as changing weather. In general, the game is more casual and suitable for use as a flavoring for a weekend afternoon.
696 瀏覽 01/29/2022
The game awesome if I get 6 star I will give it but please fix bugs yeah the developer team is doing a awesome for tap tap yeah but some how the app crash I don't know why.Fix it please
Wayne Carlisle
638 瀏覽 05/12/2022
this game would be so much better if we had the option to choose weather or not you wantto drive manual gear or automatic transmission that would make me happier to play this