A Dance of Fire and Ice遊戲截圖
A Dance of Fire and Ice遊戲截圖
A Dance of Fire and Ice遊戲截圖
A Dance of Fire and Ice遊戲截圖
A Dance of Fire and Ice遊戲截圖
A Dance of Fire and Ice遊戲截圖
A Dance of Fire and Ice遊戲截圖
A Dance of Fire and Ice遊戲截圖
A Dance of Fire and Ice遊戲截圖
A Dance of Fire and Ice遊戲截圖
A Dance of Fire and Ice遊戲截圖
A Dance of Fire and Ice遊戲截圖
A Dance of Fire and Ice遊戲截圖
A Dance of Fire and Ice遊戲截圖
A Dance of Fire and Ice遊戲截圖
A Dance of Fire and Ice遊戲截圖
A Dance of Fire and Ice遊戲截圖
A Dance of Fire and Ice遊戲截圖
A Dance of Fire and Ice遊戲截圖
A Dance of Fire and Ice遊戲截圖
A Dance of Fire and Ice遊戲截圖
A Dance of Fire and Ice遊戲截圖
A Dance of Fire and Ice

A Dance of Fire and Ice 韓服

廠商 Hafiz Azman
1 下載15,696 追蹤

A Dance of Fire and Ice is a simple one-button rhythm game. Keep your focus as you guide two orbiting planets down a path without breaking their perfect equilibrium.

It's pretty hard to describe, but you should play the free online version on a desktop computer first if you are not sure you would enjoy this game!


- 20 worlds, each introducing new shapes and rhythms. What do triangles, octagons or squares sound like? Each world has its own unique hand-drawn fantasy landscape, and has short tutorial levels followed by a full-length boss level.

- Post-game challenges: Speed Trials for each world and blisteringly fast bonus levels for the brave.

- Play new levels for free: more levels will be added over the coming months.

- Calibration options: Auto-calibration and manual calibration. This is a precise rhythm game, so please use your ears more than your eyes when playing.

WARNING: This is a hard rhythm game. Not in the sense of note-spamming - for the most part you just need to keep a consistent beat - but keeping a beat is not very easy. So don't worry if you find it difficult!

滿分為 10



我们时常会听到一个说法:音乐中有数学之美。 两千年前,古希腊人就在星辰的斗转星移间察觉到了和谐的韵律。他发现宇宙和音乐竟有几分相似,两者都是按照某种数学规律来发生的。 时针划至十六世纪,明朝皇族世子朱载堉运用数学里的平均、切分等概念创造出了一套被称为“音乐计算器”的十二平均律,只要音符与音符之间以某种距离和比例存在,谱出的曲子听起来就会很和谐。 近代作曲家斯特拉文斯基 (Stravinsky,1882-1971)说:“音乐的形式较近于数学而不是文学,音乐确实很像数学思想与数学关系。”他注意将“像数学思想的东西”溶入他的音乐作品之中。 ——序 不过虽然理论一直存在着,然而若非是职业乐器演奏者,我们平日里其实很难感受到音乐中数字的存在。市面上优秀的音乐游戏大多用图像/特效的方式鼓励玩家听节奏进行本能反应,难道理性与逻辑真的在音游面前早就被抛到了九霄云外吗? 事实并非如此,冰与火之舞它是第一款让我有利用数字读谱这一神奇体验的作品。它乍看起来是一款样貌平平甚至略显单薄的音游,但是在体验之后,我真的能在音乐里看见数字的身影,无处不在。
23 瀏覽 03/31/2024
343 瀏覽 06/27/2023
Cant afoard, no credit card.
Hiển Nguyễn
1.2K 瀏覽 05/29/2023
Overall good game with a reasonable price The only thing I don't like is the fact that the PC version has community content (which may not be for casuals, but for people who truly like the game a small amount of money is insignificant if they will have an even bigger amount of charts to choose from) Ofc, community contents are in the steam workshop and is much more convenient there but I feel like those community content would've reached to mobile players had they stored them on their servers or have them distribute the files directly (like stepmania,...)
8 瀏覽 03/15/2024
Please make for I’m not allowed to get games that cost money
212 瀏覽 03/29/2023
I want the game freeee!
468 瀏覽 02/16/2023
I passed it and I really liked it. It wasn't difficult.
1K 瀏覽 12/24/2022
Fun but difficult game:) (Especially some levels on the workshop.)
115 瀏覽 12/03/2023
very good Rythm game
High Tide
397 瀏覽 11/02/2023
This game is amazing! This is probably my second favorite rhythm game around. This game is fairly easy to catch on to but gets extremely hard as you move on to higher levels. I personally have played a level requiring you to click a total of 8-12 times a second and beat it but it is a really fun game and I totally recommend you try it out if you like rhythm games.
542 瀏覽 05/12/2022
The game is good, But Cannot be 100% Enjoyable because of its difficulty, We can't Customize the speed of The boss stage and it make stress for people that a hardcore gamer. I'm not hardcore, but still Enjoy it