EatBeat DeadSpike-san
Lebih banyak【What is Eat Beat: Dead Spike-san?】<br>Once upon a time, in the world of BlazBlue, Ragna the Bloodedge's special attack, Dead Spike takes center stage in its own rhythm game.<p>【How to Play】<br>The controls are simple -- tap the screen to the beat, when food passes by. The more Dead Spike-san eats, the more he grows!</p> <p>【Music】<br>Rebellion II: Ragna the Bloodedge's Battle Theme<br>Bullet Dance II: Noel Vermillion Battle Theme<br>Catus Carnival II: Taokaka Battle Theme<br>Reppu II: Bang Shishigami Battle Theme<br>Queen of Rose II: Rachel Alucard Battle Theme<br>Susano'o II: Hakumen Battle Theme</p> <p>【Story】<br>One upon a time, in a hierarchical city that shall remain nameless, lived Dead Spike-san and Ragna-san. But Ragna could not defeat his opponents, no matter how hard he would try...</p> <p>So, Dead Spike-san thought that if he ate a lot of food he would grow stronger, helping Ragna win his battles. And thus, the adventures of Dead Spike-san and Ragna are about to begin.</p> <p>【Supported OSes】<br>Android 4.0.3<br>*Currently unsupported in both Android 5.0 and 6.0. </p> <p><br>【Known Supported Hardware】<br>Nexus 5, SHL25, A02, HTL21, Xperia ZL2, Xperia Z Ultra.</p> <p>※ Even if the conditions above are met, due to state or memory of the consumer's hardware, the game may not run as intended.</p> <p>※ Devices not listed may not be able to optimally run the game.</p> <p>【Official Webpage】<br>Dead Spike-san<br><a href="🔗link://www.google.com/url?q%3D🔗link;amp;sa=D&usg=AFQjCNHJ4VT0aLU10TjV_cjvvrHoFjEydQ" target="_blank">🔗link;/a></p> <p>【Support】<br>Support Forum<br><a href="🔗link://www.google.com/url?q%3D🔗link;amp;sa=D&usg=AFQjCNEHKb_TjzfrvTJP95muTGAS7xXSug" target="_blank">🔗link;/a></p> <p>Arc System Works Official Page:<br>Japanese: <a href="🔗link://www.google.com/url?q%3D🔗link;amp;sa=D&usg=AFQjCNFNbxuBWL5DSUcm3-ihPDUSsRcNUw" target="_blank">🔗link;/a><br>English: <a href="🔗link://www.google.com/url?q%3D🔗link;amp;sa=D&usg=AFQjCNEQFLXUPCiMAyM-paI7KcE2AFT54w" target="_blank">🔗link;/a></p>
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