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Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Скриншот игры レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
レーシングマスター(Racing Master)

レーシングマスター(Racing Master)

Exptional Global
Большеレーシングマスター×TVアニメ「東京喰種トーキョーグール」コラボ開催決定! 喰種と共に、駆け抜けろ! 1月31日~2月27日、TVアニメ「東京喰種トーキョーグール」とのコラボレーションが実現! コラボキャラクターの「金木 研」「霧嶋董香」「神代利世」「有馬貴将」「月山 習」が期間限定で登場し、専用アクションや特殊ボイスあり、ゲーム内でキャラクターの新たなボイスや会話が楽しめます! また、新たに登場する「パガーニ Huayra BC '17」と「ホンダ NSX-R '92」の2台の名車で使えるコラボ限定マシンキット、マシンカスタムで活用できるコラボステッカーなどなど、さまざまな楽しみ方で世界観を体験できます! さらに、コラボでしか楽しめない専用イベントやコラボガチャなど盛りだくさん! さあ、エンジン全開でノっていこう! 新時代は、本格マシンで駆け抜けろ! 『レーシングマスター』は、CODEMASTERS®と共同開発した本格レーシングゲームです。 公認ライセンスの100車種超の名車を集めてカスタムし、世界中の街や名サーキットを舞台に熱いレースに挑戦できます。 リアルなビジュアルとエンジン音で、まるで本物のような臨場感が味わえるほか、他のプレイヤーたちとリアルタイムで熾烈な競争も楽しめます。 さあ、乗りノリでいこう! 公式X: 🔗link 公式YouTube: 🔗link@RacingMasterJapan

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Игроки говорят...

  • 🎮️ Stunning graphics with beautifully designed tracks offering unique challenges.
  • 🚗️ Wide variety of vehicles, each with distinct driving feel for different styles.
  • ⚠️️ Driving mechanics force drifting, impacting overall game experience.



レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Everything thing is fine . But I don't know why in lobby there are only 35 to 40 FPS but if we enter any race then it start giving around 57 to 60 fps. The game is very little bit laggy I am giving it 8.5/10 . In my device it support Max settings and max FPS . This game is also not pay to win fair gameplay . But this is not available in my region so I play in Japanese server . I recommend that you should have 6 GB of RAM and around 0.8 to 0.9 million antutu score device to play smoothly without lag . Thank you team racing masters.
Senpai Titan
レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
I recently had the chance to dive into this racing game, and I must say, it has some serious potential for the future! The graphics are stunning, capturing the essence of speed and excitement. Each track is beautifully designed, offering a unique blend of challenges that keeps you on your toes. The gameplay mechanics feel solid, with responsive controls that make every turn exhilarating. I particularly enjoyed the variety of vehicles available; they each have their own distinct feel, catering to different racing styles.
Brennon Davis
レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
the game graphic is stunning, the most realistic racing game graphic on a phone, its very easy at the beginning, and it will get much harder when you reached 3 highest rank, players at those ranks are paid players free players can also have a chance to get the fastest cars (not at full upgrade), cons the driving mechanics force you to drift, ridiculous weird female sexualization gacha, pay to win at 3 highest ranks, but overall its a fantastic experience to play this game
レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
As a all time racing game player this game overall very good game with breathtaking graphics & all but , it's too easy to win every single race at a point it's gonna feel like ur playing with bots & not real players, but overall a really good game. –reflex_hut
レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Something feels off about racing in this game, might be high PING as i am playing in Europe. Basically turning corners is almost impossible without drifting. There's no open world. The game looks good on max. settings, prepare at least 15GB of storage. What i like in this game is the amount of customisation you can do on your cars and character, a ton of events, licensed cars and the game is in english, they even do collaborations.
レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Something feels off about racing in this game, might be high PING as i am playing in Europe. Basically turning corners is almost impossible without drifting. There's no open world. The game looks good on max. settings, prepare at least 15GB of storage. What i like in this game is the amount of customisation you can do on your cars and character, a ton of events, licensed cars and the game is in english, they even do collaborations.
レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
They love to suspend a good player, even you are not cheating and doing violation. Don't be a good player when you play. My rank is speed master 12, never cheat, never top up, and have 12 legendary car. Tips how to be a good player : Don't do drift when you play, it will make you slower. Just release the throttle, brake and try to make a smooth turn, you don't even need to perfect in every turn, it still make you faster than 90% player of this game. Try it.


レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
The game is super but according to my pov this game should have more cars, more suvs which makes the game an extraordinary one and I am having a great fun with playing game (100% Recommended) 🙂👍🏻🤯👈🏻
レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
レーシングマスター(Racing Master)
Loved it i cant wait for the global release. Loved the graphics, loved the physics. It reminds you a bit of real drifting once some of the cars became heave which it can happen in reality and osme of them just stay light which it happens in reality. Some things are annoying like brake pedal is like unexciting as hard as you try to brake it doesn't brake the only things it helps you is when you drigt and you want to slow down asap then it does the work but this is how the game was introduced from the begging so no problems with it. It has good potential and its way to much fun. Once you start cant stop easily. I hope from a global release soon!!
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