明星之戀 - 高清明星自拍

明星之戀 - 高清明星自拍

Black Wing
เพิ่มเติม首款可自由捏臉高清3D無碼的經典明星模擬換裝養成女性向自拍休閒遊戲!! 女生遊戲,男士請繞道!!【遊戲特色】 - Fashion story 體驗夢幻星工場 濃厚幻想色彩的明星模擬人生,你將扮演懷揣偶像公主夢的17歲美少女,因善心結識萌寵Magic Puppy,加入明星夢工廠,從此踏入夢想星城,完成自己的明星志願,成為演藝圈的超級大明星! - 精細外貌 自由捏臉體驗 寫實3D仿真模型與個性的全臉優化設置讓你隨心創造自己的角色,細緻的髮型模擬,漂亮的流行穿搭女裝,想變美就變美,Beauty Plus!身材外貌皆可調整,打造獨一無二的掌中麗人!不論萌娘禦姐,隨時face swap變變臉! - 豐富服裝 探索服裝搭配技巧 使用無限容量的Clothes Shop,打造妳的雲端衣櫃,考驗時尚穿搭技巧,掌握時下最流行超人氣美妝穿搭,服飾隨心換,變身換裝達人和流行教主,成為演藝圈時尚麗人! - 成名之路 娛樂圈精彩紛呈 通過角色扮演和養成,躋身明星庫,走上偶像之路,明星選秀、採訪、模特T臺走秀、拍廣告寫真、主演電影,享受全民粉絲喜愛,讓明星愛為你而生!相機美顏新潮拍照,360自拍,照片美圖秀一秀!Girls, use the camera to snap photos! You can post selfies on Instagram! - 超多結局 虛擬人生掌中把握 多個支線,由你選擇,不同人生,不同劇本,美麗日誌,你來譜寫!更有神秘隱藏情節等待探索,上海、香港、首爾……個性自拍,伴隨美拍相片,天天都有驚喜!Love and live your star lives! - Face swap freely, be a star designer! You’ll be able to carve out the UNIQUE LOOKING as your wish! Not only to set the waist to height ratio, but also the eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, anything you want to change! Beautiful makeup plus good shape! - Rich clothing choices, build a fashion empire All choices of fashion dresses ideas are free for clothing collocation based on your personal fondness, whether Bikini Girl, Beauty Idol, Students, Work Lady, Star Cheerleader, Sexy girl, Barbie, Superstar...etc. When the claire dressup is completed on your hands, a perfect show will be presented in front of the sweet selfie camera! With unlimited capacity of wardrobe, follow the fashion lookbook, you can test your own aesthetic and become a beauty queen. This is an opportunity never to be missed! - A star simulation galgame with brilliant road of Fashion Like the Hollywood Stardom, dressup & makeup, stand on the stage, and shoot some best portrait selfies, interviews, live broadcasting, commercials, catwalk shows, you will even make a movie! Don't miss a wonderful star life, in which your fingertips will record the whole road to fame! You’ll become famous! - A variety of game endings, experience all sorts of star lives Hollywood super celebrity? Kung Fu star? Love action film actress? Bikini Baby? Or Ordinary people? Different lives, different stories, all up to you to write! There are even more mysterious stories waiting for you to explore! 【聯繫我們/Contact Us】 Facebook:www.facebook.com/mystarslove/ 郵箱/Email:[email protected] Q群/QQ Group:457038802





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