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2 瀏覽 05/16/2019
當下流行的3D遊戲模式,只是換上了犬夜叉的皮。 遊戲裡角色、怪物的建模不錯,但是動作都很僵硬。行動的時候常常撞牆或者蛇行,而且道具或撿拾物品的位置實在有點敷衍,比如第三章回現代拿取醫藥箱的時候,直接擺在路邊地板上...四魂之玉碎片就更不用說了,打完怪之後,蹲在路邊東摸西摸就說找到碎片了,打完怪的時候顯示在獲得物品欄裡不是簡單又明瞭嗎... 打擊感就不說了,有跟沒有一樣。怪物的攻擊除了他要放大招前有紅色提示之外,他的普攻過於平凡,而我們的閃避按鍵是需要CD的,所以除了硬扛之外別無他法。 UI很頁遊。 語音很半吊子,有些對話可以講一整句,有些就幾個語助詞發個聲音就沒了,粉絲想必不想錯過每一個有語音的對話,這樣真的很讓人困擾... 遊戲看起來是沒有競技場這些功能的,但是玩家卻可以在遊戲中看到其他玩家的身影,看了感覺很多餘,本質上就是個單機遊戲,但是跑任務的時候還要和其他玩家的身體互相重疊、穿越,容易出戲。
4 瀏覽 04/20/2020
根據手機機型限制遊戲連接嗎? 我是在韓國生活的人。 但是下載該遊戲後進行,所以一直播放着插圖畫面,無法進入遊戲。 有解決方案嗎?
7 瀏覽 03/30/2022
3 瀏覽 05/18/2019
407 瀏覽 01/13/2020
I love the game but... please have an option for other languages that we can change the language to our languages. instead of making a separate one. a lot of people are complaining about the language. I think you should have them option to have English all the languages in there. just my opinion. so far I like your game. but it would be nice to understand it. I hope to see this game come out. I want to see it come out in Google play. : 3
343 瀏覽 05/17/2019
wooo Amazing game and the graphic is so good the see. I love this game... good work devs....
516 瀏覽 06/26/2019
Good job devs. This is a very promising game for Inuyasha fans out there.. However, there's one thing I observe is that the skills are very hard to navigate specially when you wanted to switch skills immediately.. It does not allow to switch nor stop it.. It finishes the animation of the skills before changing it to another. Also, same goes to the dodge skill, it makes it useless if it can't switch fast. Hope to the devs will fix this optimizing the skills well bcoz this game is great.
Boa Hancock
619 瀏覽 12/31/2021
why i can't play this game.. please answer and fix
Kagome Inuyasha
418 瀏覽 04/11/2020
right to start with a maliciously the you get to be in February. Inuyasha VS Sesshomaru vs
😈 AsurA 👿
692 瀏覽 05/15/2019
I'm trying to register but they not show my region only show other regions, so can i play this game without registration?