滿分為 10


19 瀏覽 01/15/2020
萬代開發的四驅車IP改編手機遊戲,裡面可以看到四驅郎、爆走兄弟等等的經典車輛,需要玩家抽車殼、底盤、馬達、輪胎等等的配件。 讓我重新想起了小時候自己收集零件拼車子和其他朋友去附近的店家軌道比賽的情景。 遊戲裡面其實組好車子後就沒什麼要操作了,他會自己跑軌道,我本來以為會跟人中之龍的四驅車一樣還帶點賽車操作,太可惜,扣一星
Oscarf Hsiao
5 瀏覽 01/15/2020
6 瀏覽 04/06/2024
It's so good, but it's so sad about the shut down of this game.
Kisama :-)
1.1K 瀏覽 03/04/2023
I hope one day i can played again
Veyrith Jia
474 瀏覽 09/29/2019
ah.. I remembered this one, Tamiya is the one of my childhood toys 14 years ago 💕 I really don't know exactly what kind of this game later, but surely i'll waiting for this.
TakLob Fun Zone
593 瀏覽 09/21/2021
I really want to play this game I love Tamiya mini 4wheel drive but I can't understand the language and no English in option :(
jack mccloud
Good but just got locked out
521 瀏覽 09/29/2022
i literally just got locked out, but ive played this game before on tbis exact device
560 瀏覽 02/23/2022
it's a shame there is no English option
337 瀏覽 11/10/2021
love this game, hopefully got english language
Meijin Kawaguchi
142 瀏覽 02/24/2022
Hoping for this Game to get a Global Release.