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3 瀏覽 10/18/2019
海外媒體相當期待的一款遊戲,畫風非常獨特,很有範,但是玩法上尤其是攻擊方面比較一般,所以總體可以給到4顆星。 核心是ARPG的刷刷刷,我們可以解鎖各種地牢,遇到各式各樣的敵人,擊敗他們獲得成就感和經驗、裝備,這本來是很爽的事情,但是遊戲的自動攻擊,以及簡約操作,毀了這種體驗,我們只有走位和硬抗兩種模式,操作很受限制。 其次遊戲的職業和裝備搭配設計的還不錯,各種技能特效也很華麗。
2 瀏覽 10/18/2019
剛開始玩:這是啥?好像有點簡單 繼續玩下去:可以自己設計關卡?有點意思 現在:我的戰士還要更多裝備,我的地圖要更大更複雜!還要放更多小兵! 遊戲雖然只有英文,但是不影響遊戲本身的高質量和高度體驗,從闖別人設計的關卡到自己設計。 不同職業還有不同的裝備要刷。可以挖掘的部分太多了
Rainbow unicorn
2 瀏覽 10/19/2019
很棒的一款獨立遊戲,遊戲風格玩法屬於簡易型的ARPG, 玩法點擊後會自動攻擊,並可配備技能,裝備防具等提升自己。玩法地圖設計的很好, 刷圖刷星級可以解鎖新的地牢。並且後期上可以自行的去搭建地圖設計,這個算是很創新的點了。 綜合起來我給五顆星。
Partying NoobCrusher's Mom
High Ceiling
60K 瀏覽 07/19/2023
351 瀏覽 10/16/2019
Let's be honest, games are competitive. You shoot your friends, you outscore your friends, and your loot is better. This game takes advantage of the competitive nature of players to make you the level designer. It comes with a few starter levels, but most of the design is left to the player. Don't get me wrong, it is difficult to come up with parts and design the required methods to use them. New content is no longer as big of a hassle, though. If you need new content, it is as easy as adding a prize for the best map. You will be swimming in new maps before you know it.
Partying NoobCrusher's Mom
3D Dungeon Crawler Games
13K 瀏覽 12/07/2023
679 瀏覽 10/18/2019
so... you have many characters with different classes, in order to level up or get good items you have to do timed quests (12+ hour refresh time) , it will give you money to buy packs and you can build your own map and publish it I'm more into smashing enemies, I'm bad at building my own maps lol but that's what makes this game unique the other down side is maps made by other ppl are sometimes....bad like unreachable treasure chests and many mobs in one spot, so watch out for its reviews or please review any maps you've played if there's any bugs
Sad Smile
232 瀏覽 11/22/2019
update new version pls
341 瀏覽 10/19/2019
very fun and beautiful graphics
Jedidiah Santos
468 瀏覽 09/29/2022
Sound like some synovial fluid replacement l