(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

137 회 조회 10/19/2019
This game is a rollercoaster of good and bad choices. The texture quality is good, but the models are rough. The characters are fully voiced, but the story is weak. The game appears to be developed as an English release, so I can't dismiss issues with the dialog. I started off with low expectations. The intro told me that someone kidnapped my daughter, who I allowed to wander a dark alley alone, but I met someone and explained my entire story in time to ride in a truck that would arrive at the kidnapper's destination first if it wasn't attacked when the people I was supposed to be chasing came after me. It really doesn't make sense when you put it all together. I was certain the rest of the game would be equally unorthodox.
1.1K 회 조회 10/20/2019
عالیه یه ار پی جی جدید و عالی گرافیک نسبت به حجم بازی خوبه
nanlupwur #
193 회 조회 10/23/2019
let it die on android
Ilyas FF
229 회 조회 09/28/2021
Manoj Kumar Kot
194 회 조회 10/24/2019
Алексей Реутов
166 회 조회 10/21/2019
Замечательная игра супер интересная с захватывающим сюжетом ,особенно мне понравилась телка в кожаных шортах (как будто только с шеста )вообще персонаж классный ,какой-то плащ у бэтмана спиздил походу ,все в тему !)
Amine LBoss
142 회 조회 02/05/2020
297 회 조회 10/07/2019
지금은 이게 전부예요. 새로운 게임을 시작할래요?