(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

Igor Gnoatto
2 회 조회 12/29/2019
게임과 아주 좋은 노래
4 회 조회 04/05/2024
Rhythm game what try don't look like all rhythm games in graphic and gameplay mechanics  But game have only one, but soooo BIG problem... input. input -this really make me sad and don't give all fun by game. I hope what Devs fix it.
Musically beautiful games
4K 회 조회 12/23/2023
489 회 조회 01/03/2020
TBH, I was waiting For this game to be released. it is a very Good experience With a special menu UI, Blasting Gameplay, And how it is unique with other Rhythm games [Recommendation: There are no bugs (I'll update about that, maybe), but Optimization is NEEDED for low-end Devices due to HIGH QUALITY of the game, Needs automatic calibration, And looking for more improvements (Not bad for the first release) I bet this is the newest excellent Rhythm game of the year.! Keep up the good work.
Must-Try Games for Every Rhythm Enthusiast
218 회 조회 06/04/2023
Radam drkswngr_
326 회 조회 04/16/2020
Very Good game, definitely impressed. My only complaint is that charts are too easy. It needs like 2 more harder difficulty levels or harder charts and a more strict judging option would be cool. 👁🍄👁
425 회 조회 12/30/2019
it's too simple, they can improve the difficulty of the game
458 회 조회 01/03/2020
ok this game more like simple like jubeat,can u add any song?
30 회 조회 12/29/2019
玩这游戏须知:不要关注制作人,非要关注的话请确保你的心足够大 如果上面你能做到的话请继续阅读↓↓↓ ----------分割线----------- 「希望玩家體驗到DJ現場演出時的那一種爽快感」  混合Drum Pad與落下式音遊為設計概念 摘自游戏测评网站对制作人的访问。 如上面所说,这款游戏是参考了Drum Pad(DJ用的东西,把音色输入到4x4或者16x16的正方形中现场演出)的,虽然我个人感觉更像是jubeat+下落式。 同样是香港制作团队,同样是多面下落,并且部分选曲重合,RAVON就不免会拿来跟Dynamix作比较。判定方面是RAVON比较严(鬼知道我刷supernova的任务刷了多久),由于note宽度不能改变的问题,RAVON的一些谱面感觉表现力不如Dynamix,但是判定线的演出很出彩,比如《終焉から命を救う》中,配合BGM,判定线变成了心电图。
15 회 조회 12/29/2019
tap上還沒上架,先通過其它途徑下到了遊戲。 不討論多餘因素,不討論相關某些人,只討論這款遊戲這個應用: UI界面動畫愛了,從進入遊戲開始,選歌、切換、結算,整個界面過渡十分一體,不敢說絕對,但是手游的動畫過渡能做得這麼自然我覺得屈指可數,這種感覺就好像我在玩一款街機遊戲,玩的iidx,這種過渡自然感,只要一個詞來形容就是舒服! ( 打歌我覺得沒什麼說的了,比起前一個某款三面下落式,判定嚴格了些,但也不是太嚴。 有個值得吐槽的地方就是調下落速度的方式比較蛋疼……三位數起步調數值,數值改變可精確至1,可是你調速的方法是用一個線速度滑塊上下推動,推動幅度越大數值改變越多——打個比方就是推手柄搖桿,輕輕推人物走路推到頂人物跑步……這不是關鍵,關鍵是滑塊不能細微精確推動…… 還有就是遊戲歌曲沒標級,選曲難度分類名稱不明所以(綠色是簡單藍色是普通紅色是困難),調延遲沒有參照物所以調的時候要不停選曲打歌退出來回對比,不過初始上來延遲給的就挺低的,既然低延遲控製到了為什麼key音不gkd((
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