滿分為 10


4 瀏覽 11/03/2020
得益於遊戲豐富的戰鬥機製,雖然遊戲的主體內容雖然是討伐BOSS,但主角卻能在遊戲中展現出強大的壓制力,而不是一個在強大怪物面前渺小的普通戰士。 遊戲最大的樂趣在於爽快的戰鬥體驗和變化多樣的技能招式。 戰鬥方面,遊戲打擊感表現的非常不錯,你的攻擊命中的在不同的部位都會有不一樣的反饋,配合豐富的音效,足矣感受到拳拳到肉的快感。 遊戲捨棄了傳統的職業技能的設定,通過讓玩家改變武器和搭檔的副官,從而組合出新的的技能招式,也是一種不錯的創新。
Head of state
8 瀏覽 01/15/2021
游戏前期动作体验感爆棚,玩到后期就是养老刷刷刷,重复着同一个战斗。(游戏画质和动作打击感很好。) 不过好在副官, 武器搭配比较丰富,不是特别枯燥。 埃奇奴斯的试炼战斗可以切换装备套装,这个设定很好,以后更新方向可以往创新方面发展。 游戏送玩家的福利也很好,总体体验还行,愿意养老的玩家可以留下养老。
2 瀏覽 01/13/2022
Ady Ady
2 瀏覽 11/07/2020
2 瀏覽 04/28/2021
zero gaming
29 瀏覽 02/28/2024
What happened, why now you can't play this wonderful game
56 瀏覽 02/04/2024
Best game ever. 🎮 Gameplay: Gildwars, story. 🕹️ Controls: Best ever, stil looking for another game with this type of controls. 👍 Pros: Character, equipment, sort, Guild. 👎 Cons: None
☬★Theses Can Be Your Favorite Games★☬
59K 瀏覽 11/20/2023
Flamboyant Sniper
794 瀏覽 11/08/2020
It's a good looking game, but it's unfortunately one of those games that makes you question if you actually play it or just smashing buttons, which makes you feel that you just as well could hit "auto fight" and go idle - which isn't gaming imo. You play with one main character and two companions and a pet, all at once. The screen gets full and messy, it's fast pace, there's auto aim, so it's pretty much almost impossible to see whats going on or be strategic in any way - just keep smashing those buttons and watch the characters do their thing.
1.6K 瀏覽 03/27/2023
This game is pretty good, both story and character design(lots of sexy fashion for female characters🥵). P2W for PvP and need daily grinding for F2P. Manual/auto attack and autopath quests. Collecting crafting materials is quite difficult because you have to fight bosses that require the right strategy to beat (time speed counts a lot). If you like watching your hot characters in action, this game is perfect for you 🤤