It's a good looking game, but it's unfortunately one of those games that makes you question if you actually play it or just smashing buttons, which makes you feel that you just as well could hit "auto fight" and go idle - which isn't gaming imo. You play with one main character and two companions and a pet, all at once. The screen gets full and messy, it's fast pace, there's auto aim, so it's pretty much almost impossible to see whats going on or be strategic in any way - just keep smashing those buttons and watch the characters do their thing.
Mentioned games
very relatable to many games with flashy moves n good graphics.
kyle intatano
kyle intatano
i believe "auto play" is a choice. it was invented because not all players are like you who can sit or lye around, play, and not minding what's happening around you or does not have anything else to do besides playing. there are also people who loves games but needs to do other stuff like work or house choirs.
Tbh, I genuinely hate auto play games. Most if them get high ratings just because of heavy graphics, character beauty and vast world. Only if one of these games remove auto play, they could have been best games. A good game must include more and more player interaction. it's not a movie show, makers must remember that it's a game.
Mauro Vaquero
Mauro Vaquero
pero no es cierto. el tutorial, puede ser, pero después el juego requiere bastante estrategia. cada jefe tiene sus patrones de ataque y sus debilidades. me gustaría ver cómo pasas a la shadow wraith aunque fuera en normal solo aporreando botones. y eso es solo el mapa 5. que la cámara marea, puede ser, que hay bastante información en pantalla también. pero que se pueda pasar simplemente con habilidades al azar ni en joda. de hecho si buscas videos en Youtube la mayoría son de como demonios pasar tal o cuál jefe porque simplemente un patrón general no alcanza para hacer todos los jefes
Imam Fauzi
Imam Fauzi
The auto play fuction only for minion, u can't beat the boss in hard or hell mode with auto play, auto play only for basic attack and it has very little damage, u need press the combo skill manually. The pet n two companion always go behind the character or stay distance with the boss, no problem of they are showing together.
I highly recommend playing in hard or hell mode let see if you could still use easy play on that. Please note that your so called "auto fight" only uses normal attack. If you really want a challenge use a different set of weapon and companion from the recommended one. I did it once, man it was tiring as I need to focus to time my dodge and attack.
uzzwal kumar
uzzwal kumar
that's a genuinely interesting observation
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