滿分為 10


31 瀏覽 07/25/2023
目前還未有中文,但一邊看一邊查單字也不是不能玩 以文字為主的冒險遊戲,加上一點簡單的屬性、裝備和判定機制,偶爾會有一些像素風插圖,個人非常喜歡 遊戲文本量多,雖然好幾輪玩下來難免會遇到重複的劇情和選項,但也還是能看到很多先前沒看過的劇情,每次探索都抱著對未知的期待
Kerte camus
3 瀏覽 03/09/2022
6 瀏覽 02/08/2022
This game Life in Adventure is pretty unique and yet fairly simple for a mobile game. Here what I have to say about it. Gameplay: This game could be considered like D&D if it was turned into a mobile game. Everything is determined by your stats, perks, weapons, armor, and how high of a dice role you get. At the beginning of the game your stats are randomly assigned to you and equipment,  along with your perks if you have any. You can buy perks, new story lines, and side encounters in the shop using gems that you can earn while playing the game. After you set off into a new adventure you will gain gold to buy items such as potions, armor, and weapons that will make your character stronger. Another way for your character to get stronger is by leveling up. When your character levels up it will be given stat points to which you can assign to whichever type of stat you want. This will help give your character the edge in combat and increase the odds of you completing randomly encounters successfully.
125 瀏覽 04/22/2024
Gbaa Francis
Awesome offline story based games for Android/IOS
6.1K 瀏覽 03/29/2024
jay one
95 瀏覽 03/23/2024
this game is the best RPG I ever played since it has multiple choiced endings and multiple decisions u can do all leading to a different type of ending theres some good love stories,good weapons,and armour..in other words it's a good game
Delta Wowf UwU
A diamond in the rough: Life in an Adventure.
617 瀏覽 04/12/2023
Pixel Rendered Games ( let's see how accurate the list would correspond to the title )
13K 瀏覽 08/15/2023
7.4K 瀏覽 09/06/2022
1.1K 瀏覽 11/24/2021
If I can rate 4.5 I will. I have looked for this kind of game for a looooooong time now and everything I wanted is actually in this game. Game play : DND Style fantasy RPG text-based adventure Some choices have a success rate that will depend on the stats that your character has. Combat is determined through a dice roll (DND D20 style die). Not much action is available in combat, just watching your character and the enemy avatars fight. And because it's a text-based adventure, it has multiple endings available.