滿分為 10


5 瀏覽 06/01/2021
Proof That Both Isekai and Gacha Can Be Great - Eroica Review
3.4K 瀏覽 07/31/2022
Android games recommended to try
39K 瀏覽 08/19/2023
GG (Good Gachas)
26K 瀏覽 03/10/2023
932 瀏覽 01/03/2022
The other game I found at the end of the year I've been waiting to write a review on!! Holy moly have you guys killed what it means to be turn based! I'd say the graphics are nice and flush and the animations are stream-less. Everything plays enjoyable, and the optimization is phenomenal lol, the load screens are scant and swift to say the least! Hmm my only complaints seem to be the lack of sociability and chatting in the game, which can make for a very alone feeling lol. The other has to be the lack of events!! No holiday events at all, what!?
957 瀏覽 11/20/2021
It was fun! Well, after 1 day that is, gameplay is mediocre since it's a turn-based rpg, story is kinda okay since the plot is all about Sei trying to get back to the world he came from while saving the world he was isekai'd in, graphics and sfx are great tbf for a dead game, I haven't really progressed much and just about to end chapter 1 so I don't know if this even got a Global chat or something like that, either way, you can't chat to people since finding a online player is literally like finding a Shiny Pokémon. I don't even know if this has been updated this month since in Play Store, the last update was on October 12 so Devs might have given up. It's still in Soft Launch xD
633 瀏覽 12/22/2021
Based on the gameplay I've watched on YouTube the game looks great but there's something off about the movement of the characters when they go to attack and/or when they retreat. It doesn't look fluid and smooth. Maybe it's slightly slower than I'd like or the animation is choppy in some way
Wow! A gacha with interesting story!
1.1K 瀏覽 08/03/2022
I am really enjoying this game, mostly for the story, that is actually good, this games takes a piece of every Good gacha and puts into a single game!
489 瀏覽 03/01/2021
as much as I want to give this game a good rating, the gameplay is a bit too generic. it has some really good aspects like your HQ being a train, the story is good as well, it felt like I was reading a LN. but the graphics are so clunky. even in 60 fps, it felt like they went over budget on other stuff and forgot to give some to the graphics department. those big oppai girls are a bit too much as well. it feels more like a thirst trap gacha game. you don't need overly large-breasted characters in a game like this. it's just too much. the UI is clattered and all over the place. It's 2021 most games are transitioning to simple clean UI. there were some really good ideas put into this game. The problem is the execution was just really bad.
1.4K 瀏覽 05/02/2022
the game is beautiful, waifus are 🥵, love the game but why it is so laggy, or it just me? fps went down a lot when it comes to battle, everything else fine but not the fps, can the dev fix it real quick plz