(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

638 회 조회 10/05/2021
graphics are beautiful, transitions are nice, but there is no customization, you choose the character and name and go straight to the game. Gameplay is more or less, game is not very optimized, all the time having frame rate drop, it irritates. in general i've been disappointed with this game, i hope Lineage W isn't as bad as this one.
xiao tian
349 회 조회 09/20/2021
well so far this game has english language, but bit lag because still server on japan.. if you want to play this game at least has android phone ram 8-16 gb because is almost big map too.. total size this game 6-7gb if you want play on emulator at least your pc must have ram minim 16 or above beacuse im play at ld player its almost take over 73% from my ram 😂😂
162 회 조회 09/14/2021
Been playing since day 1 JP server open, and the game already in Full English. I hope SEA Server is coming soon...
reza rahman
181 회 조회 10/10/2021
so far so good. good feel mmorpg just like PC version. the only minus was -attack effect was lame(unplayable when u get hit( -still no update for damage display
Nicolas Villavicencio
220 회 조회 04/01/2021
update new version
Iga Edi
221 회 조회 09/16/2021
is this game need vpn for other region ?
111 회 조회 10/27/2021
anticipated star score DLing now. ... will be back with full review shortly
304 회 조회 09/12/2021
need english language
570 회 조회 07/08/2021
Can change to English or Japanese only?
Sergey Bobrov
133 회 조회 04/01/2021
where update? current version is 3.0.10
지금은 이게 전부예요. 새로운 게임을 시작할래요?