滿分為 10


6 瀏覽 02/09/2022
試玩影片,https://youtu.be/D6kWHnuOTuI 1.《LOST in Blue》是一款由 Volcano Force 推出的生存冒險遊戲,我們將扮演飛機失事的倖存者,在荒島上面對變異的殭屍,收集資源建造避難所,在這座神秘的荒島上生存下來。 2.遊戲採用偏上帝視野的 2.5D,這樣的事也比較能掌握全局,戰鬥系統是比較常見的 MMORPG ,左邊移動操作右邊則是技能施放,只是打擊感比較一般就是了。 3.跟著主線任務的引導,學習戰鬥、移動、製作道具、建造各種設備、採集資源...等等。遊戲另有夥伴系統,可以跟 NPC 夥伴組成小隊進行探索遊玩。在地圖上也是能遇到其他玩家,與其他玩家互動建立關係。 4.總的來說,這款遊戲將生存玩法結合了 MMORPG 的元素,主線任務玩下來相當流暢,體驗了 20 分鐘還會想讓人持續探索遊玩下去。
2 瀏覽 09/15/2021
2 瀏覽 08/24/2021
1.1K 瀏覽 03/07/2022
Lost in Blue (Global) has you take control of a survivor as they end up being stranded on an island while trying to find a way home. Story (★★★☆☆) ✔️ Immersive cinematics ✔️ Simple Mission: Brave through the elements on a strange island and find your way home ❌ Translations are rough around the edges ❌ Dialogues are not fully voiced Gameplay (★★★☆☆) ✔️ A mashup of game elements (Zombie survival, crafting, gear-upgrading and MMORPG game mechanics)
196 瀏覽 10/08/2021
I trying to open my heart to accept this game again since test version know as L.O.S.T stucked on farming endless just to broken down by single story boss and waiting so long and this game still be the same as test version except newbie quest it lost easier My Rating and yeah i really disappointed Story : 3/10 you stranded on island full of zombie and get helping by stranger bla bla bla Map location system : 5/10 you can save time by run around map cost stamina or self walking at long distance to save those stamina least unlikely LDOE run 5 seconds walk 15 mins 😒
1.2K 瀏覽 07/21/2021
the game itself is really bad. I think everyone should check out the online albion game, it has a top-down perspective, equipped with a variety of weapons with different skills. There is also a camp, can go to fight monsters together. All players are equally fair, although the deposit is slightly higher. But believe me you can still beat them. it won't disappoint you give it a try
Кобил Бердиев
480 瀏覽 07/22/2021
the game is good, but you spoiled the balance of the game with the update .... in order to kill a level 15 boss in a hive, you need 30k of strength, and I have 6k, even with a pet of 20k in general, and the boss kills me with two hits!
622 瀏覽 08/25/2021
LOST IN BUG, pay to win survival so many bug error game with greedy developer, I unstall this game. thank you greedy developer
542 瀏覽 08/05/2021
Game is really extreme grinding and money spenders freely , so beginners will immediately uninstall this game due to no improvement in lvl and strength cause they will struck in same quest no way of clearing it , best examples are hive annihilation 👍
409 瀏覽 12/29/2021
it there any other online survival game like this?!... i mean i know there is a lot of bots in this game as player!!! but its ok!... raids and pvp zones and most of arena matches are vs real players ❤️ do you know any other games like this?! and where can i find last modded version?!