滿分為 10


6 瀏覽 02/10/2022
試玩影片,https://youtu.be/uP8FograbCg 1.《獨奏騎士》是一款地下城放置 RPG 遊戲,Play 商店推薦區找來試玩,目前下載次數為 50萬+、評分為 4.4 顆星。 2.我們將扮演小男孩跟隨著叔叔尋找他失蹤多年的同伴,展開我們的騎士養成之旅。遊戲的畫面蠻特別的,有帶上童話繪本風格,但是整體色調偏陰暗灰階。 3.雖然可以放置戰鬥,但是我們還是可以手動移動、施放技能,藉由不同武器的可以體驗出職業別,武器有弓箭、雙手劍、法仗...等等。收集武器裝備組成不同的流派戰鬥玩法。 4.總的來說,完全不套路的地下城放置 RPG,收集開刷裝備,每件裝備都有獨特的技能,豐富的符文系統以及天賦系統,讓遊戲玩法多變有趣。
5 瀏覽 05/11/2022
我想问下 为什么我挖矿到了200层 今天登录又要从第一层开始挖呢
8 瀏覽 09/12/2022
礦 非常爛
2 瀏覽 09/12/2022
礦 改得超爛
3 瀏覽 03/28/2022
0 瀏覽 02/14/2024
Nice game
1.1K 瀏覽 12/02/2021
Solo Knight casts you as a prepubescent boy who journeys in a vast underground world teeming with monstrous creatures to prove himself worthy of knighthood. Story (★★★★☆) ✔️ Engaging opening cinematic ✔️ Simple storyline Gameplay (★★★★☆) ✔️ A mashup of game elements (ARPG, dungeon crawling, auto-battler, and idle mechanics) ✔️ Numerous choices available for the viable builds ✔️ An extensive arsenal of weapons and armour available to collect
35 瀏覽 11/19/2021
A dungeon adventure game packaged in a 2D hand-painted style. The game’s style is bright, similar to the cartoon hand-painted style of famine, and the characters are exaggerated and have a certain degree of recognition. In terms of gameplay, players need to acquire new equipment and upgrade their character level through continuous monster spawning battles, and then further challenge deeper dungeons after improving their own abilities. The overall combat operation is very easy. Players can either move the character kite monster by clicking on the screen, or completely place the character to fight on its own.
716 瀏覽 01/10/2022
An ok game, not much information about skills, effects and other things like rage, i find no explaination about it ingame, some items skill explaination is very confusing, kinda unblance items and builds since most player in the top board build the same few weapons, i played for 2 days, got to floor 126 and then stuck there for 3 days because the boss can heal full hp bar and you cant stun, drag or do anything to stop him, i tried a few different items, cant deal dmg because the boss resist everything except poison and poison isn't enough to kill it 😓
1.1K 瀏覽 11/19/2021
This game features dungeon crawling, looting, roguelike, perk and rune systems, it is a very typical action dungeon crawler but still makes me feel addictive. However, as the difficulty of the game increases, it becomes necessary to continue to improve the level and equipment, so this is a common problem of such games. So far, I have not encountered any major problems with the game, I personally think ranged weapons are easier to use than melee weapons for beginners.