(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

497 회 조회 10/27/2021
*Language: English *Network: Unnecessary *Login restriction: No ------------- + Simple causal game + Easy gamplay - No exit button - No level up system ------------- You will act as a little shost. Turn left of turn right and keep falling down. If you fall on a ground spike trap, the game is lost. You must step on the other ghosts from above to defeat them, and you will fail if they touch you. When you manage to reach the bottom, then the level is a successful challenge. I'm not sure how many levels there are in the game, but I've played through about thirty now. It looks like it will go on indefinitely.
nate of the living dead
984 회 조회 10/27/2021
Fun Downwell-esque game. Upgrades or powerups would be a welcome addition as gameplay gets a bit stale after a while. One thing that needs to be fixed: if you land between two spikes, you can't continue. The only way to jump is by moving to a ledge, and touching the side of spikes doesn't kill you, so you're stuck until you reset. Overall it seems promising and I enjoyed my time with it. I would definitely revisit the game after an update.
1.1K 회 조회 10/27/2021
It has all the elements of a casual style game. 👍🏻 Addictive gameplay, BGM, graphics, and simple controls are all good games. Of course, hardcore users won't like it. The game itself is simply about falling down without touching the ghosts. If you step on the ghost, you get game scores and it gets more difficult as you progress through the stages. In fact, the gameplay is simple, but it is very addictive, so it is a good game to play in a short time. (Break time or commuting time, etc.)
1.4K 회 조회 10/27/2021
Super casual game, all you have to do is control your small white man jumping from head to bottom. The rule is simple, don't fall on the spike or hit the ghost with your head while falling. Seriously, if you don't consider a free game, I highly recommend a game called Downwell (paid game) that is much more enjoyable than this one.
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