Melvor Idle - Idle RPG遊戲截圖
Melvor Idle - Idle RPG遊戲截圖
Melvor Idle - Idle RPG遊戲截圖
Melvor Idle - Idle RPG遊戲截圖
Melvor Idle - Idle RPG遊戲截圖
Melvor Idle - Idle RPG

Melvor Idle - Idle RPG

廠商 Jagex Games Studio
4,695 下載4,357 追蹤

《Melvor Idle》的靈感來自於《RuneScape》,其萃取出冒險遊戲令人上癮的核心要素,並將其淬鍊至最純粹的型態!

只需要用滑鼠或手指點擊,就能精通《Melvor Idle》中《RuneScape》風格的技能。《Melvor Idle》是一款功能滿載、放置/遞增型的遊戲,以新鮮的遊戲體驗結合熟悉的感覺。可讓你以前所未有的輕鬆姿態,將 20 個以上的技能練到最高等級。不論你是一位《RuneScape》新手、老玩家,或單純只是想在忙碌的生活中找到一款高深卻又簡單的冒險,《Melvor Idle》都會帶來令人上癮的獨特放置遊戲體驗。


遊戲不僅僅是伐木、鍛造、烹飪和農耕;將你磨練已久的點擊能力帶進戰鬥,以近戰、遠程和魔法技能對抗超過 100 種怪物。征服殘暴的地下城,並打敗最近變得狂暴的首領們...

《Melvor Idle》是一款由《RuneScape》所啟發的遊戲體驗,適合老玩家和新玩家。擁有深奧且無盡的戰鬥系統,包含 8 種專用技能,無數的地下城、首領等你征服,並可探索其中的背景故事。還有豐富卻又簡單的系統可讓你沈迷其中,這包含 15 種非戰鬥技能可供訓練,全都擁有獨特的機制和相互作用。功能完整又可互動的銀行/道具欄系統,可讓你了解超過 1,100 種道具的狀態。此外,還有超過 40 種可愛無比的寵物等你收集。且《Melvor Idle》頻繁的更新,也會讓冒險旅途不斷擴張!《Melvor Idle》提供雲端存檔功能,支援跨平台。


滿分為 10



0ma- chan
812 瀏覽 06/26/2023
Wow I really like this game and its very enjoyable, You need your imagination to play this rpg game but them major problem with this game is that im too broke to buy the full game so i cant enjoy it 100% only on 65%
758 瀏覽 01/14/2022
Really great idle game, I've played this since it was first released now that Jagex have publishing right's I can see much more been added. Not your traditional Idle game however, lots of skills to train, combat you do need to be active and watching while levelling it as progressing through the combat system to get better gear requires attention. Overall 5* from me
1K 瀏覽 11/25/2021
Great game, I was introduced by a friend to this game and I haven't been able to stop playing it sense. Enough depth to be entertaining for a decent amount of time. Enough progress to keep things from getting super stale. Pretty well balanced and scaled. I wish some tradeskills were more competitive, if you want money just get your fishing maxed. The only thing it needs is notifications so you can know when one thing is done and can move on to another.
898 瀏覽 11/25/2021
The last idle game that I really so addicted to, or "Clicker Heroes", idle RPG playable content is much richer, like a mini version of FF14. I can do a lot of options, such as mining, fishing, herbal research, etc., like a real magic world, you can choose the direction of your favorite adventure. You can specialize in one skill, or you can be superficial, or even become an all-around hero. In short, I still have a lot of worlds to explore.