滿分為 10


【双tap互通评论】 玩多了就吐了。。往后打打,就对局强度太高了,对面都是聪明人。 而且这是个养成类的游戏。是有数值养成的! ⑴对面有的怪兽,可能你没有呢,对面就有的选择,但是你没得选。。例如对面憋高费憋了个大爹出来,然后那个高费怪兽很强劲,但是你并没有拥有这个怪兽。那根本就没得打。 又有时候你等级没对面高,你打对面就差丝血没死。。这个问题可大了‼️对面怪兽死不死?这差别可是天差地别‼️‼️‼️ ⑵这游戏的每日的蛋蛋奖励,只给已存在怪兽的碎片,你只能去养成他们。。你想要新怪兽?你只能去攒泪滴去抽卡,而且那还是概率得新怪兽而已 ⑶如果是延迟对战。。要打20多个回合一局,那你要完成他就得在两三天内登录20多次,哇靠,那也太累了吧!? 如果是即时对战,那一回合的时间又太短,有时候我都没出完牌、没思考完,很多步骤都没做,或者是没想清楚、做错了步骤,,那也让我很揪心。 ‼️你完全可以根据回合数的增长,增加一回合内的思考时间‼️
9 瀏覽 03/29/2022
Macie May
Dive Into New Gaming Adventures
206 瀏覽 7d
Rainbow Lotus
59 瀏覽 03/08/2024
This would be an amazing game... if it wasnt hilariously pay to win. I love this chess-type of game, spent a lot of time with it, and bought the starter pack, the monthly subscription and an event-pass... My first impression was, that skill was the defining factor in this game, as i had won 41 matches in a row, with increasing disadvantages against players with stronger cards. Then i advanced to the fourth league, and the power-level raised drastically!
💯🔥My Best (Mobile)Games🔥💯
19K 瀏覽 12/28/2023
MiniBytes Mobile
1.1K 瀏覽 10/02/2023
This game is absolutely one of a kind. These little phobies are great and the gameplay is fun. It's a great turn based game. You can play a game over days or you can play live turn by turn. Both are great.
Matheus Sueht
Best Cardgames
5.5K 瀏覽 02/14/2023
62 瀏覽 01/01/2023
nice gameplay! But if you want to play, make sure you have a big brain and strong soul to not surprised to enemy's way to win. Be a good tactician! Free to play but you will be very hard-worked Not all pay to win, your key of winning is at your mind, this game is full of tactical, remember, the winner is the bigger brain Love Lippy voice 😍 Theme song? Niceee. Wont feel boring Oh well, that is my though about this game (i was trying review this game as Lippy role but his character is a bit hard too role)
110 瀏覽 12/30/2023
This is my Favorite Game!!!🔥💯 Definitiv my Fav...even invested some real money...that's how much i Like it!!🔥💯
The Steve
1K 瀏覽 04/04/2023
Its not bad at all. It's a card/monster collector type of game where you level up your Phobies. But after that, it's not what you think. The game requires some real tactical thinking and often times, some definite strategy is needed on the battlefield. It's a correspondence type of game where you make your move and submit it and wait for your opponents to do the same. You'll have several games going at once.
Mostly pvp game (with fair monetize)
661 瀏覽 10/16/2023
only a fair and square one ,on your thumb! you can start a youtube channel base on thess game! *excluding all moba ,battle royale games cuz ya know it kinda obvious.