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ลองเล่นไปแป๊ปๆ มีเสียงพากย์ด้วยน่าประทับใจ ภาพลายเส้นเกือบดี แต่ว่ายังขัดๆ เล่นไปได้ไม่ถึง 10นาที มีระบบเติมเงินโผล่มาแล้ว แถมไม่พร้อมให้เติมอีก555 โดยรวมคิดว่าระบบการเล่นมันแข็งๆไปหน่อย แต่ภาพตัวละครทำมาพอใช้ได้ มีเสียงพากย์ให้ด้วย ลองเล่นฆ่าเวลาดูไม่เสียหายครับ 😅
เรียกดู 17 03/13/2022
KK ` kingina
เรียกดู 302 03/12/2022
I have played the game already before release. It is not a very good game. I can promise you that because It had a very pay to win system. You will never be happy spending all your cash into this game. And I meant it as the most active player / beta tester. It does not have a clear end goal. The graphics are a lie and you wont get that quality when in reality it is garbage. The design is cool at the front, but inside its just a copy paste game where you buy resources from the web. It is not hand drawn nor original. Awful
Killit Gaming
I love the game to be very honest, even though I've played countless idle games. The graphics is very nice and game play is very smooth no lags or issues. The music is nice aswell. F2p friendly but drop rate needs some work. I would like it if the devs communicated with the players more. I have some ideas for other game modes I'll like to suggest.. with that being said... My main issue is the fact that I can't do any top ups which annoys me.
เรียกดู 358 04/11/2022
เรียกดู 196 03/11/2022
So many idle games like this in the store, nothing new noticed.
เรียกดู 228 03/13/2022
lol this was release 3 months ago so much level 100+ now in s1 and also no reset account lol new? new in SEA server 🤣🤣😂
เรียกดู 212 03/13/2022
What makes me wanna quit so bad is the low quality gameplay graphic, plus the audio is very bad (especially the one slashing with a sword) Maybe I'm just not used to this kind of graphics.
เรียกดู 697 06/04/2022
Same idle BS as usual...are devs so lazy that they just do copy/paste from other devs?! Even Nutaku (those 18+ garbage games) are copying different RPGs from regular play store...🙄
เรียกดู 125 04/01/2022
Great game I liked so much, if someone know giftcodes that would be great to share here ^///^ This game is on a good path to become a great one!
เรียกดู 195 03/18/2022
well honestly guy's I'm not sure but I know that this kind of game's always hit the paywall based on my experience
เรียกดู 939 03/13/2022
high p2win, low summon Rates, bad graphic, its like a game from 2015. uninstalled.
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