滿分為 10


109 瀏覽 04/27/2022
試玩影片,https://youtu.be/l65AnteXnMk 1.《Seven Mortal Sins X-TASY》是一款由日本知名動畫《sin七つの大罪》正式授權的手機遊戲,此版本為國際服版於 4 月 26 日開服。 2.遊戲預設為英文語言,可以在首頁修改為繁中,玩著玩著發現很多角色的立繪很眼熟,原來我在 2020 年 11 月份曾經玩過台服版本。查了一下台服官方網站,果然有 APK 紳士檔。 3.開場先大致介紹故事背景,大天使路西法違背神的意志,被打入地獄成為墮天使,之後受到嫉妒之魔王利維坦以及女高中生十束真莉亞的幫助下化作「傲慢之魔王路西法」展開了向七魔王發起反擊的旅程。 4.戰鬥系統為 3D Q版的回合制戰鬥,共可上陣6隻角色,每一隻角色可使用通常技、得意技、必殺技,簡單說就是普攻、小必殺、大必殺。有著頗花時間的必殺動畫。克制方面比較簡單的三種互克(力→技→速→力)。 5.福利的部分,新手無限 10 連抽,抽到滿意為止。登入7日獲得【★5戀花之魔星•夏麗瑪】,創角 14 天再送10連抽(大罪魔王召喚卷軸)。收取信箱是前登陸獎勵★ 4 杜魯西拉、★5安娜塔西亞,還有通關主線任務拿 100 免費連抽。
Best RPG games that I've ever played [Android/iOS]
9.5K 瀏覽 04/24/2024
3 瀏覽 04/21/2024
This is the best and most exciting seven mortal sins game ever.
Be the first to play the top 6 games in Card this year.
8 瀏覽 1d
New and Trending: Top Card Picks
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Seven Mortal Sins X-TASY Review: Going Straight to Hell
12K 瀏覽 06/02/2022
Justanother Nobody
1.1K 瀏覽 05/07/2022
Like most of these type of games it's fun for a few hours until you reach the grind cycle. One you're there then it's the usual repeating the same stages over and over and over to try and power up characters. This one hasn't really even got any different modes either so every battle is the same. The PvP is like every mobile game, P2W. Some units are completely overpowered so if you're not super lucky or pumping cash into it you will struggle.
927 瀏覽 04/28/2022
P2W trash. All good\decent units from PAY crystals, not f2p ones. Freebies are just clickbait rolls, gives you pointless units, who can't do anything in arena or events. Lack of any info about team gear score, action speed or anything helpful destroys the rudiments of tactics and careful planning, leading to over-level and chose only 5 star units in the hope of complete a level. Waifu material is simply weak and even the 'uncensored' version won't hold even a minimal spender in this generic clone.
One Night Stand of a Game
1.2K 瀏覽 05/05/2022
The game is a lovely lewd one, though the story gets just goes on and on like the energy bunny if someone gave him a stamina drink for an all night session of fun. 💋💕 📖Overall:All around might be nice to play once if you like style and lewd.
1.4K 瀏覽 05/05/2022
I really gotta give up on trying new auto battlers. The gameplay is just so bland. You sit there with it on auto and every now and then click next next, or change mode. To complete the dailies takes too long, the drop rates for the good 5 stars is far too low, theres no info on the stat numbers of the waves you are going against so its just a crap shoot until you try it out. The art style and waifu are pretty great but thats about it…I think this is the last auto battler I will be getting. Would not recommend.