Moonstone Island遊戲截圖
Moonstone Island遊戲截圖
Moonstone Island遊戲截圖
Moonstone Island遊戲截圖
Moonstone Island遊戲截圖
Moonstone Island遊戲截圖
Moonstone Island遊戲截圖
Moonstone Island遊戲截圖
Moonstone Island

Moonstone Island

廠商 Studio Supersoft
708 追蹤

Travel from Moonstone to Moominvalley!网页链接
Moonstone Island》是款收集生物的生活模擬遊戲,有至少100座島嶼等你探索。結交朋友、釀造藥水、收集精靈,在卡牌遭遇戰測試實力,完成鍊金術訓練吧!離開家園,到天空島嶼住上一年時間!按照村裡傳統,你必須搬到天空島嶼來完成鍊金術訓練。在自然精靈、魔法藥水和新朋友的支援下,你將前去探索古代廟宇、凶險萬分的地牢,和危機四伏的荒野環境,揭開月石島的黑暗祕密。

和 NPC 成為朋友、與島上居民打成一片,和心儀對象約會,最終墜入愛河,攜手走進婚姻殿堂!

馴服野外精靈,和他們成為朋友,讓他們為你而戰 — 超過70種精靈等你來馴服!
發現和探索地牢,獲取升級物品、收集戰利品並揭開祕密 — 或是挑戰無盡地牢,體驗永無止境的戰鬥與獎勵!

滿分為 10



R8 Gaming (HyRool)
R8 Gaming (HyRool)
TapTap Creator
A Relaxing Yet Fun Indie Game Worth Your Time! - Moonstone Island [3-Min. Review]
2K 瀏覽 09/28/2023
Sora Synn
Sora Synn
TapTap Creator
🏝️Moonstone Island ⛏️ Is A Game FULL OF HEART💖 , And I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT‼️
1.8K 瀏覽 09/25/2023
TapTap News
TapTap News
TapTap Official
What if a game mixed Stardew Valley with Pokémon? Moonstone Island is the answer
1.5K 瀏覽 09/24/2023
We love cozy games around here, and it doesn't get much cozier than games like Stardew Valley and Story of Seasons. There's nothing more relaxing than building up a farm, harvesting crops, and getting to know townspeople. On the other hand, sometimes when we're playing a cozy game, we want a little more to keep us busy—like creature collecting or turn-based RPG battles. If you feel the same, it's time to meet
Two games from my wishlist are coming out later today! ✦.✦
717 瀏覽 10/03/2023
I can't wait! In something like 6~7 hours from now, Disgaea 7 and Silent Hope will be out on Steam!! I already bought Fate/Samurai Remnant, but ever since I bought Moonstone Island, I haven't stopped playing it.... It's sooooo freakin' addictive! It has a bunch of bugs and lots of missing features, but addictive nontheless! Anyway! Let's get back to the main subject. I'm really excited for D7 and SH, but from what people said on Steam, the complete version of D7 (A.K.A. the Ultimate Edition) is supposedly gonna cost.... 115USD? Seriously!? I hope not, coz if that's really the price of the game, it's unfortunate, but I'm gonna have to skip it. I really LOVE the Disgaea series and all the other games related to it, but hey! There are two 3D ARPGs that are coming later this month (SAO: Last Recollection & Crymachina) and if I remember correctly, those 2 games will be cheaper.
TapTap Editor
TapTap Editor
At last! Moonstone Island is the Pokémon/Stardew Valley hybrid I've been dreaming of
8.9K 瀏覽 09/22/2023
TapTap Creator
Moonstone Island - Stardew Valley REPLACEMENT!?
1.9K 瀏覽 09/26/2023
Ashish nagarkoti
370 瀏覽 11/08/2023
I want to play this game.
TapTap Creator
Moonstone Island - A replacement for Stardew Valley!?
2.6K 瀏覽 09/26/2023
R8 Gaming (HyRool)
R8 Gaming (HyRool)
TapTap Creator
A Relaxing Fun-Moonstone Island [60-Sec. Review]
2K 瀏覽 09/28/2023