(10명 중)

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Most Helpful
GG Zayan
131 회 조회 04/24/2024
🎮 Gameplay: Smooth and elegant if u have a high end device, but NEVER try to play with a mediocre or low end device 🕹️ Controls: Pretty smooth, tho may get unresponsive at times 🎨 Graphics: Quite good really, will keep you hooked 👥 Multiplayer: Don't even think about it if you ain't going P2W, or you'll get SMASHED online Overall pretty fun game but could be better. Recommended if you have a good device
272 회 조회 04/20/2024
One of the best NBA basketball game out there. The game is really great if you are an NBA fans such as myself for it is free to play. The game has great graphics even if you have a low end device, so no need to worry playing it on low settings. 🕹️ Controls may not be the best and sometimes unresponsive, it is still playable. Further, the game gives tons of free/grindable players and packs by completing missions, so no need to worry not getting good players.
Juan Barkat
Really great game one of the best basketball games out there the gameplay and graphics are brilliant but controls sometimes gets unresponsive and it definitely needs better optimization my phone heats up like a volcano after 3 or 4 games fix that issue please overall amazing game I recommend it to all NBA and basketball lovers 🏀👍🏽 My phone is K50 Gaming Edition with Snapdragon 8 gen1 so I play at the highest aspects possible.
1.8K 회 조회 04/03/2024
Cris Rotelo
63 회 조회 04/09/2024
Gameplay, story line, controls etc. everything is good. The only problem is it keeps crashing, you can't even complete a full game without experiencing lag. This could be the best online NBA 2K game so far, but with the experience I had with the lag and stuff, you can't say that this is worth recommending to all NBA game fanatics out there. It will only drain your battery for nothing, you may enjoy a bit but more of dissapointment in return. To the developer, hope this will get fixed as soon as possible, good ratings might change as we move forward.
204 회 조회 03/06/2024
👍 Pros: Build your own team and play with other player 👎 Cons: The game mostly made for pay to win which is not so great if your free to play 🎮 Gameplay: Play at Nba Build your strong team and be a best player in the game 🎨 Graphics: Graphics is so focus in the game making it top tier basketball game! 🧠 Strategy & Tactics: The game needs strategy & tactics to win
🎮 Gameplay: Literally the console game on mobile. Also it's smooth if your device can handle big games(sorry 4gb Ram folks your devices will explode if your try to play this game). 👍 Pros: However if you have a mid range devices you're good to go although the loading times are long(more than 30secs) 👎 Cons: Overall great game although I won't recommend multiplayer cuz this game is extremely pay to win and you'll get clapped online
8.9K 회 조회 02/25/2024
I have played this for hours but I'm still addicted to it!
887 회 조회 02/06/2024
NBA 2K24 MyTEAM Gameplay
340 회 조회 02/06/2024
As a basketball enthusiast, NBA 2K24 MyTEAM has been an exhilarating experience. The game's immersive graphics and realistic player movements truly capture the essence of the NBA, making me feel like I'm part of the action. Building and managing my own dream team has been incredibly engaging, and the variety of player cards and customization options have allowed me to create a unique roster that reflects my personal preferences.
Balling on my phone has never been simpler or more expensive
15K 회 조회 02/03/2024
The Falcon
425 회 조회 02/05/2024
As a basketball enthusiast, NBA 2K24 MyTEAM has been an exhilarating journey into the world of virtual basketball. The game's mode offers a thrilling and addictive experience, allowing me to build and manage my dream team with a diverse roster of players from different eras. The card-collecting mechanics add an exciting layer to the game, as I strategically assemble a lineup that reflects my playstyle and favorite players.
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