滿分為 10


9 瀏覽 05/16/2020
致所有人 : 綜合封測以來的感動與多年來帶新手的經驗 : 這遊戲最重要的體驗區塊是極為脆弱的"探索", 光是接收過多的外部資訊就會間接破壞遊戲體驗, 當事人還不會察覺= = 送錢更是直接導向退坑, 會給新手產生 : 已經體驗差不多了,也沒什麼事能做了,更沒什麼好追求的了...的錯覺 但事實上這遊戲就不是個只能追求強度的遊戲 (慘遭免洗遊戲毒害的孩子們qq) 前中期探索所帶來的驚豔與感動遠大於後期設立的成長目標, 給過多的遊玩建議會導致探索的體驗因為被建議定向而消失,甚至把遊戲變成練等地獄 給過多的資源會導致直接失去探索的意義與好奇心而導致對遊戲失去興致, 在"練等衝裝"的背後是更大量的探索, 例如工匠系統 寵物系統 甚至光角色本身無職業框架的技能與連擊可能性就夠他們探索個幾年 所以重點是讓新手熟悉這遊戲的遊玩核心,也就是探索 而且要讓他們知道,追求強度在這遊戲裡只是其中一種遊玩方法,與其一昧的走在別人屁股後面不如玩出自己的樂趣與特色,金錢也一樣,
8 瀏覽 06/13/2019
2 瀏覽 12/05/2021
3 瀏覽 12/21/2019
3 瀏覽 04/10/2020
2 瀏覽 01/05/2021
1.2K 瀏覽 01/23/2023
for me this one game is very fun, and one of the characteristics of JPRG games that many people play, if it had more and more interesting features, many would definitely return to playing the Toram game. No one can compete with the mmorpg game from Asobimo.  But for some reason the developers are no longer focused on updating this game, even though in my opinion from a gameplay perspective it is very interesting, there is no full auto... So I recommend this game for those who have never played it... Come on, don't forget to share, vote and like 😁👍
1.2K 瀏覽 02/19/2023
I think I played this for the first time in 2016. My memories are a bit hazy. There have been many bugs and rollbacks that made me frustrated but the socialization that this game offers along with the customisation kept me from leaving it. But beware a huge amount of farming is ahead if you want to play this, along with a lot of mistakes if you play this without planning out what you want to do or if you don't have a guide in-game. First and most important thing: find and join a guild and start making friends and the game would then do it's thing.
918 瀏覽 07/24/2023
It is a very good game a bit grindy but once you get the hang of it it it's a lot better than most of the mmorpg game out there and the graphics are not the modern look but are absolutely stunning
Md Laky
1.2K 瀏覽 01/30/2023
This game gives you everything you need in mmorpg , you have quest, leveling, you can create your own weapon, cosplay any charcter, you can create assassin with mage or mage tank so much and many things the community is a pure and loyal .