Screenshot of the video of Bust Out
Bust Out Game Screenshot
Bust Out Game Screenshot
Bust Out Game Screenshot
Bust Out Game Screenshot
Bust Out Game Screenshot
Bust Out Game Screenshot
Bust Out Game Screenshot
Bust Out Game Screenshot
Bust Out Game Screenshot
Bust Out Game Screenshot
Bust Out Game Screenshot
Bust Out Game Screenshot
Bust Out Game Screenshot
Bust Out Game Screenshot
Bust Out Game Screenshot
Bust Out Game Screenshot
Bust Out Game Screenshot
Bust Out Game Screenshot
Bust Out Game Screenshot
Bust Out

Bust Out

Screaming Code Productions
MoreBust out (bust out) is a hard science fiction-style shooting game, which includes prop collection, character development, story plot, map exploration and many other elements. All styles are established with real life scenery as the style reference line , To describe the science fiction China in the next few decades, the story will start with artificial intelligence betraying mankind, a series of plots will be launched, and some mysterious elements will be inserted... Well, this is just the perfect state we expected...then the reality is cruel. We are a four-person part-time development team. We have recently recruited a new team member. During the development process, we did not receive any funding support. , It is all personally funded to complete the creation process of the game... In the process, I was fortunate to have passed the launch of Steam Favored Light, but the supporters of us are foreigners, and it is a bit regretful... China no.1 is not just talking and copying, is it China, the player's eyes are discerning... So how big is "bustout" and it needs to be produced at such a price... We want to say, it's really much bigger than you think... But there is no money to develop, it is really hard, whether it is persistence in will or pressure in life... .... So we spent another 3 months to develop a stand-alone steam project (you are welcome to download and try it afterwards), which is used to get some blood back. Players who want to support us can buy that product to support us. We definitely don’t want to use bust out to fool players into investing any penny~ We still have this backbone!! Then bust out, will we give up... The answer is: no So, we have come to taptap, and we are grateful to the official taptap for the greatest encouragement and support. When we were hesitant, we had a long conversation and encouraged us to fight. Thanks again! Speaking of the topic, when will players be able to play this mobile game, what kind of bust out, is it so huge to tell us... The answer is: it can't be ten thousand years, but it definitely allows you to play our survival mode! That’s right, we stripped off the entire survival system and rebuilt what you call a chicken-eating game...Of course, our chicken-eating game will be beyond your expectations~because we are good at creating screams...then we Why do we have to launch the chicken-eating mode first...It's very simple, because we are short of money...chicken-eating is so hot now, don't mind our poor team, come out and have a bite... We are from China, we love China... We live and grow in the magic city, we are obsessed with this city... We like all kinds of games, but we want to make a hard quality game... We are not good at pretending to be X, but we respect the reality and try our best to give all of our technology... We don’t know how to publicize and write sweet-spoken articles. Every time we tell the truth, we hope to get closer to you... "We are the screaming group, others seem to be a weird thing, just because we live in this strange circle more real or more realistic than others" This time... one shall stand, one shall fall...

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The Shine
The Shine
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