จาก 10


evan black
เรียกดู 3 10/28/2019
ขอ log in แบบอื่นได้ปะ !!!
พชรพล วุฒิประภา
เรียกดู 3 06/15/2019
Khemjira Sasang
เรียกดู 1 01/08/2020
ลิ้งค์ wechat qq ไม่ได้
Veyrith Jia
เรียกดู 380 10/30/2019
Stunning graphics and perfectly smooth! This game is only can login by WeChat and QQ account. I was tried this game for a while, things I can do is only clearing the tutorial quest. But when I try to match with another player, I've got kicked out by accident (maybe) when I saw the character stranded along the beach. ( ´Д`)=3 Well, I don't really understand the purpose of this game (it because I truly can't understand chinese), because when completing the first tutorial, it turns out I have to kill every person who survives, I was surprised when the tutorial told me to poison the fat NPC while cutting down trees (ノ´∀`*).
เรียกดู 718 11/07/2019
I don't know how to login QQ then I download QQ sever QQ error what can I do
Ρяιи¢єѕѕ ∂σℓℓу
เรียกดู 498 10/28/2019
Looks unique and interesting.. Though I haven't tried the game yet
เรียกดู 532 12/31/2019
How do I play it? I've installed it
Ivan Nugraha
เรียกดู 591 11/03/2019
Its need qq account to register
เรียกดู 553 12/24/2019
เรียกดู 3 10/28/2019
-哇,這迎面而來的,是大自然的聲音沒錯了(。・ω・。)ノ♡ -進入新手教程,畫風沒有什麼特別驚豔的,甚至有一點粗糙,除了海水和人物以外沒有任何小生命了,整個環境給人一種死氣沉沉的感覺,人物移動也不是很靈敏,搖桿鍵出現過失靈的情況,必須要提一下的是那些樹,走幾步一個造型是認真的嗎(#゚Д゚) -玩法來說是個有創意的遊戲,需要配合和合理分配任務,對於萌新來說上手有點難,結合了某殺玩法,猜心理,順思路很重要_(:з」∠)_ -倖存者任務是修船出逃,砍樹收集木材,在修理船的同時會掉落補給道具,血包增加生命,線索查驗身份,漿果標記迷失者,修好海岸邊的木船逃離島嶼或擊敗所以迷失者都可以獲得勝利(ง •̀_•́)ง -迷失者的任務是破壞搗亂,用炸藥破壞已經修好的船然後配合腐木徹底摧毀(ps:通常用不太上)也可以將木材丟入火坑阻止倖存者修船,也可以在砍樹時搗亂導致倖存者掉血或獲得降低修理進度的木頭,在獲得信任的前提下幫助拾取毒針搗亂擊敗倖存者獲得勝利,或者在倒計時內成功阻止倖存者逃離島嶼也能獲得勝利
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