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게임 리뷰

jea ma lee
2 회 조회 01/20/2021
네트워크때문에 그런지 모르겠지만 접속하는 시간이 걸립니다.
xX m4tty Xx
398 회 조회 01/11/2021
Can't say much good about it, character customisation and graphics are on par with what MMO should be, but that's about it. Moving around feels more like floating, movement is unnatural, combat is clunky, CP system that means it'll be P2W just like its competitors. Not sure why people call it great MMO when you already have Dragon Raja, is eye candy all that is needed for good MMO? Didn't play much, will fully judge when and if ENG version will be released.
264 회 조회 11/05/2020
when are you guys releasing this looks better than dragon raja it has underwater game play plus you can actually fly i don't know what's better than this... this game can make me quit dragon raja👀 i've always wanted a good quality mobile mmo that has underwater game play ••• please release it to global with english language support ••• i've played the game. the dungeons seem fun and there's no auto combat feature which is nice. of course it has a p2w aspect but if you save up your currency you can actually buy some costumes which is great because in dragon raja (a similar futuristic theme mmo) you had to spend actual money to get a costume. so if you like cosmetics, it's not impossible to get some cute costumes. the game has a store for costumes, hair styles, mounts etc which seems cool.
Vinho Hoky
181 회 조회 01/08/2021
This game is very good, I am very impressed with this MMORGG game, I hope that one day this game will be released in my country (Indonesia) in Indonesia, the number of gamers is very large and most gamers are happy with Chinese themed MMOROG games like Perfect World Mobile, I am sure. If this Revelation game is released in Indonesia, there will be many players and YouTubers who play this game, in Indonesia many players are crazy to be the strongest in Gane MMORPG, they are willing to top up up to hundreds of millions.
olivia hemberlin
590 회 조회 04/30/2021
I love the customization the most but I give this a 4 star because to me I got confused at some strings in the game like every single time I need to enter the game I have to do a download and at first when u start the story u can't customize again until u finish the story and that was annoying to me and sometimes I got lost in the game coz u know I don't know the language the game was invented in so hopefully u do an English version , btw thx for the game it's so much fun🖤✌
Arya Sukma
2.1K 회 조회 07/08/2021
I hope you download on Taiwan VPN Play Store Taiwan version, in Taiwan version you don't need to look for fake Chinese identity, login via email, fb, mobile account and play to your heart's content! there is no 90 minute time limit in this version!
417 회 조회 06/08/2021
it's awesome MMORGP. but there's a problem, after finally login in, i felt everything is ok now but another shock was awaiting me I'm able to play only 90 minutes a day. Is there anything way that non-Chinese players could play as of their wish? PLEASE SOMEONE HELP😭
Adham Hosney
199 회 조회 03/18/2021
i was playing this game on pc now i cannot play it on mobile because the developer does not want to realise an English language in the game system dude you are losing your customer trust you must do more to get your customers attention not to drive them away please fix the language so we can join your game thanks in advance
Lani M
444 회 조회 01/24/2021
please make this english this year doesn't matter if it's not full 🥺 I just wanna understand part of it atleast I hope it's not out in 2-3 years
hedsetku bagoez
273 회 조회 07/29/2020
The highest number of gamers in the world is in Indonesia / Asia, if this game is released in Indonesia and uses Indonesian, I am sure this game will be in demand in the Indonesian market, because gamers here really like the MMORPG genre, of course it must be present in 2 platforms for mobile and PC
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