Well, first thing....
Yes its auto!..... why!?
24years ago i played this (L1) with many others on NA server Depardieu. Back then people had to farm and grind for MONTHs to get 1lvl! And if you died in pvp or by monsters, you loost 2-5% Thats several days! Still we had a blast , so many friends, relations, wars, pvp and boss fights... But... slowly the population kept going down until the day when NA shit it down sadly... There was several reasons why but one of the big reason is the main reason why games hardly never reaches outside Asi. It is because of this, WE complain about everything. It's either to grindy OR auto... Well back then i played and enjoyed it even if it was a nightmare to grind and bots and hardcore loosing items and lvl NOW i have a RL with family house and work, i can't play 24/7 to progress and dying and loosing and loose items as well (if youre red). Yes auto is boring, BUT grinding is worse.. the majority wouldnt make it 5% i to the game of it was like back then lol... Imagine waste 2weeks and then you die from lagg.. BOOM gone (this is ofc high lvls) I don't even wanna hear about crying after 10-20lvls... That's nothing! You haven't even tried the game! Do you people really really think auto is whole game? Please try end game, boss fights, raids, pledge wars and pvp or elite monster farm WITH AUTO... sorry but i really hope you are joking ao i don't have to say it (Morons) So please , don't complain when we finally has this big game global and not only in Asia! Just leave without even a comment , that's way better then you cry over something you haven't even scratched the surface! People even complain about cutscenes.... Hello it's the story and lore! Go play WoW or something similar, But hey people would cry if there was no auto in finding way to next quest as well! Almost all new games has some sort of auto system... Go play NES if you want without any auto system.
I agree there is buggs, alot stuff needs to be fixed among those are the control to walk and play without auto, the game is definitely not flawless.... But it launched some hours ago, give it a break? Yes it's a bit P2W, back in 1998 we paid monthly and i prefer that but this is 2021 , games aint like this anymore... Just enjoy it and have a great time or don't and find a game that suits you. Thanks
//Gamehi -98 Depardieu NA server proud ex member in ๐Ÿ‘€ pledge.
Edit: I love the game BUT "It's global" well then NcSoft i think that you need to hire some better person's who actually knows what global means! I took 2 days off to be able to enjoy this... I even gaved it a try a few days BUT the Ms and ping wasn't possible for me in Sweden (EUROPE) and i want ro enjoy the game with my own zone Europe... well no worries I'm sure you will fix it for ALL of us in a day or 2...
.... Several days later.. it will be sometime in 2022 no set date for US and Europe... shame on you! This is so bad it's even worse then Diablo and WoW! HOW can a big company like you DO THIS!!! I watched with joy and tears when you announced GLOBAL WORLDWIDE LINEAGE W and THIS is how you repay us!!!? I hope you read this! I can't give any good reviews anymore, NOT because it's a bad game or auto BUT because you tricked us all! You stole my game and took my 2 days and flushed it down the toilet. So i wish you read this and maybe start to rethink you're values...
As for now I'm done with you until you fix this and somehow pay for you're false marketing to all of us NON Global!
//Walks away...
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Matthew Wollett
Matthew Wollett
Nice reminiscing brought me back to my Diaspora/Ultima online days. what I don't see is a English speaking server yet. I hopped on the Philippines but no English players yet. server tips?
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this dude is masterpiece
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Wow Nice to meet you Lineage 1 old fans!!!!! ๐Ÿค I am also an old user who has played Lineage 1 since 1999! Unfortunately, I played on the Korean server. And let's pray for Lineage W together... RIP: Lineage W ๐Ÿ˜‡
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Salute! For the sweet memory we have. Your review really change my viewpoint. Excellent review.
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