My thoughts so far about the game.
Note: I played Lineage W using Purple on PC
Game Size Download :
Android 1.1GB APP & 3.5GB Additional Patch
PC: Purple App 400+mb & Lineage Client 6GB+
Graphics 4/5
: cutscenes , character moving portrait & overall world have good textures , shadows and even foliage. The game breathes of Life with it's dynamic weather , day & night system on certain map and locations. thanks to Unreal Engine 4.
what you'll expect is that it's on isometric view , you can't rotate the camera except on some scenarios where it automatically rotates. You can only choose between Zoom 1&2 where the latter have a more viewing distance than the former. No flashy skills , Definitely not a hack & slash. Gives a Diablo'ish vibe and other similar genre.
It uses more computer / smartphone resources than other high end games, maybe because it is new and will be optimize along the way. I suggest to play on PC at this point.
Controls 2/5
: skill is easy to execute with just a tap, you can cycle the target between monsters. you can drag your finger on the screen where an orbis will appear to target multiple enemies or hold the attack button and drag across which functions the same like orbis.
D-PAD is a bit clunky which is everyone's concern maybe because it is not fully optimize or probably because of the design? or because it uses a tiled map and directional movement which gives an illusion of delay or lag. sometimes the character walks in a zigzag pattern which is understandable when scaping sticky situations.
since it's a mobile game there's an option for auto play which some of you will be displeased. fret not , you can opt not to use the ' assist ' function ( auto attack ) auto tracking if you wish.
Gameplay 3/5
: huge set back is the spawn rate of monsters , it's almost instant. again this is probably intentional due to the number of players hunting on the field to compensate on the quantity.
I've noticed that if you're not careful enough you'll most likely get killed by monsters surrounding you and blocking your scape since you can't passthrough them. gacha is bad , really really bad. the rates are abysmal and might require lots of $$ to pull something decent. but even without this you can still progress.
no damage output so you don't know how much damage you're dealing untill you've unlock the monster codex where as you'll see the HP , but it's an inconvenience for some while it's a challenge to others.
drop rate... I don't want to start on this one. it's as bad as the gacha. you'll most likely get more potions out of 100 monster than a single equipment.
Overall Quality 3/5
: I think what brings this game a unique feeling is because of the cutscenes , fully voiced dialogues and on a high quality at that one. Lore wise each character have it's own story to tell.
PS : you'll get disappointed because this is not the game you're used to. the game won't appeal to everyone since it is made in mind with the classic Lineage 1. if you're the type who seeks challenge with steep difficulty rather than nitpick on what's missing or compare it to the other games then this might be the game you're looking for.
Mentioned games
Игра мне понравилась, да как вы и сказали управление хромает что как я думаю связано с серверами поскольку на сервере где связь у меня лучше работает все стабильнее, по поводу вещей думаю ещё не все поняли но их надо выбивать не из обычных мобов а из мини боссов что похоже на warhamer odysey так же есть проблема с большим количеством серверов что плохо скажется на игре поскольку игроки уходят со старых на новые и в итоге людей нету для приятной игры, так же есть несколько непонятных моментов с добычей клятвы крови для клана и есть спрятаный сундук но увы к нему не добраться, так же есть небольшая несбалансированость в продовцах магазина, чтобы купить более хорошие вещи надо покупать или дарить определённые ресурсы но они очень редкие а за покупку дают минимальное количество, так же непонятно где брать книги или как вообще изучить навыки для эльфа разной стихии.
yes, things are unclear prior to the release they either released it early whilst unprepared since there's no guide even on the official website where and how to get those books for elemental elf. some books are obtainable by NPC merchants but the price for one is absurd. it's better to get them at the market they're more cheaper as well. if they've added the drop rate info it will feel like things easier to know what to expect Everytime you kill a monster or boss. since it isn't a week yet , i hope it goes for better here on out.
didn't know this purple, how is it with other games?
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