Tsuki’s Odyssey Review—An Endearing Game for the Weary That’s Stuck in a Languorous World

Reading Time: 3 mins 9 secs
As the country is getting hit by the Arctic chills, I would love more than anything in the world to stay indoors and curl up with a nice hot cuppa 🍵 in my hands.
Not saying that I hate the nippy weather, but neither am I exceptionally fond of being slapped by the winds nor losing out in the winter skin game. 
Slathering myself up with heaps of hydration creams, I wrapped myself up in my trusty knitted throw and made my way to the toasty lounge. Now that I’ve not had a wink of sleep after being so absorbed with Seven Knights 2 last night, it spurs me to go on a hunt for a mobile game that reflects my current moods. 
Before long, I stumbled upon a charming little game that is less of a game but more of an experience. Somewhat like Neko Atsume, you will be observing a little bunny (Tsuki) as he makes a return to the peaceful Mushroom Village, collecting memories while he’s at it.Instead of endearing kittens, Tsuki’s Odyssey involves numerous adorable animals, and it’s a village simulation game that hits the sweet spot of low intensity and languor to make for a solid stress reliever. 
As one day bleeds into another IRL, you will begin to realise that the scenery in the game changes accordingly. I mean, how neat is that? What’s more, the artwork is simply adorable and, though it offers microtransactions, I found that there's just as much fun to be had without spending a penny.
As you decorate his little treehouse, you’ll be requiring the main in-game currency. Yes, you guessed it! Carrots! 🥕 Do you get it? Rabbits lov... Nevermind. Anyway, one of the ways you can earn them is through Tsuki’s carrot farm. Well, I guess I can really state that money really does grow on trees, or rather, in the ground, in this case.One of the things I found charming about Tsuki’s Odyssey is that you’ll be rewarded when you catch him doing something at the right time. Tell me about being given such an honour to be blessed with little pictures that work as collectables.
Another would be how HyperBeard compels you to watch ads. It is through either Draper, a sales agent from Candiru Corp, who offers you a chance to try out his company’s product (ads) or Camille, a hidden chameleon, whom you will have to locate. With that, you will receive carrots after watching an ad.
On a different note, the one downside to Tsuki’s Odyssey would be the game’s pace, as it does take quite a while for the story to unfold. Even so, I reckon this will still be a game that I’ll keep returning to joyfully until I have filled up the extensive assemblage of achievements (I’m a hoarder, alright? So, don’t judge).
In any case, if you happen to love adorable bunnies, this game is just for you! So, let’s grab our gardening gear and find our green thumb here in the curious world of Mushroom Village.
Otherwise, please follow my page to stay updated with upcoming reviews on other games. Alternatively, you can always leave a comment on your opinions about the game or recommend other games you’d like me to write a review on!
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