first impression :
wow, yostar using rpg maker engine? is it snk made this game but published by yostar?
review based on my gameplay till stage 2-4
pros :
- potato phone friendly
- theres freebies for newbies
- 1st 10 gacha can be rerolled up to 100 times, reroll till get UR :D
- game difficulty isnt hard, easy to understand, and easy to progress
- theres stages that requires specific type charas, so many charas wont be wasted in bench
- simple and to the point tuts
- graphics looks good for a pixelated graphic
- theres male character in this game :D
cons :
- Voice acting are kinda meh to me
- Battle pass, HQ system, dorm system. which i personally dont like
- the adventure and the puzzles are nice, but the battle system kinda meh, would be great if its real time action battle like zenonia
- auto battle (yes i know its common in mobile games), and the auto battle AI are so good that i dont need to do it manually anymore unless the game forced me to
- gacha rate is kinda meh (i dont trust the percentage), but it has pity system which is good
- red dot simulator
conclusion :
- some ppl will like this game and some ppl wont, try this game if you like yostar's games and if you dont mind play a game that using pixel graphics
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Hoàng Giang
Hoàng Giang
-gacha rate meh?? It has 2% for UR which is very generous among all gacha games. pity is decent (80/160) and carries over to same kind of banners -VA meh? im not sure whats good for you but they hired a lot of well-known VAs for the game. Ex. Yui Ishikawa as Maid
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idk if 2% is really 2%, and i mentioned pity with "but", so the pity is not a cons. VA i mean is voice acting not voice actors, i edited it. and yes ik theres well known VAs there, but the voice acting are kinda meh to me, prob coz of witch theme. - then again, i write "some ppl will like this game and some ppl wont", if you like it then good. each ppl has each own preference, and i write review based on my own preference.
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