I enjoyed playing this game; it's a terrific way to pass the time, and I have a lot of fun playing it whenever I need something to occupy my hands.
The beats would precisely sync, and the tunes were both enjoyable and challenging. It used to matter when you tapped because if it was off, you'd lose a life. I was thrilled when the game was changed to include three lives instead of one because it allowed me to progress farther in all of the songs, but now you have 'energy that you build up by obtaining perfects. The trouble is that it's not difficult to entirely fill it up, giving you nearly endless life. You can also spam each lane to get through the song instead of tapping on the beat.
This rhythm game doesn't even require rhythm because all that counts is that you tap enough times. And, since we're on the subject of rhythm, the drums in the background are always offbeat, making it easier to play with the music turned off. Someone is the subject of one of their latest songs.
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