I'll give 4 stars.
The game has bugs, yes, but you can still play, I went for like 2 to 3 hrs just doing story missions and I never got the error or the game to crash.
The bug that causes the game to return to title screen is caused by a bug in the coding of the menus, if you go and click on for example a character and immediately tap on level up, and by immediately I mean not the moment you see the screen change, the game will prompt you the error message and send you back to title.
The bug could happen with any other interaction, you just have to click fast or be impatient to just let the game load the menu for it to crash. Just click complete and wait for it to give you the next window, if it doesn't show up in 1 or 2 seconds, is not the end of the world, I've seen people and youtubers literally cry because it happens to them, and specially youtubers on their videos, and I can immediately see when they messed up and they themselves caused the error to occur.
The devs have been working o fixing the bugs and have been giving constant updates on them, just have to give them a bit of time for them to do their work, they also have other things they have to do, not only bug fixing.
The game is barely a month old by the time I'm posting this, and aside from the bugs, I think they have done a good job content wise.
We got an event right of as the game launched, that gives alot of free stuff like materials to level up your characters skills to max level, a free lvl 100 unit with 2 pieces of gear 5*. Not bad if you ask me, good amount of content for the first month of the game.
Mentioned games
Thank you for the sharing, dude. Very helpful.
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