Highly recommended. Worth playing.
First of all, I want to emphasize that I’m a big fan of The War of Mine. I was excited when I found some game like this.
A research spaceship reaches an abandoned planet. Nothing is what it seems here and the situation quickly slips out of control. Can the crew manage to survive and get back home? Wow, l like the game setting, I remember I saw a similar film when I was a child, not the Alien, It seems to have happened in the Antarctic, and then the staff was parasitized which is my childhood nightmare.
Here is a beginner's guide. The objective of the game is to survive as long as possible. The game asks me to survive 100 days. I tell you. It’s really really hard. You would get 3 staff members at the beginning and everyone is random. Each of them has two skills. Some of them can’t cook. Some of them can’t chop the wood. So make sure every specialized in one domain first.
There are 3 basic resources. Wood, Food, Chip. The staff needs to eat food and burn the wood to keep warm. The chips are used to update and fix your device. The weather would become worse when as time goes. It would be hard to get the resource. Don't be in a hurry to upgrade the equipment and make sure you have enough chips in inventory, otherwise, you won't be able to repair when the power failure comes.
The advantage, Few survival games that can control multiple people like The War of Mine. The game is really cool in concept. As the game progresses, characters are sometimes surrounded in mosaics(Very bizarre, I want to know what is that, does any imposer among us? ). I also like the retro graphics.
Let me talk about the shortcomings. First, too hard It seems as if you make one mistake and lose a crew member then you cannot keep up with the difficulty. Make sure you don't over-accelerate. Second, the story mode needs to unlock when you manage to survive 100 days, which is kind of impossible. I really want to see want the story mode looks like. 

If you already think you're finished. Don’t waste time to wait all staff dies. Just go back to the menu. There’s a button (look like recycle) to reset your progress.
If you want to experience different game styles, want to have challenges, you should try this game. Of course, if you haven't experienced this survival game with management elements before. The difficulty of the game may frustrate you.

-- A highly unprofessional editor Tim

Mentioned games
A highly *professional editor. 💜😊☺️🤗🥰💜
Thank you 😄
View 1 reply
I think the movie you're talking about from your childhood is The Thing (1982). I love that movie, and they have remade a new version also in 2011. The original is still the best :) Thanks for your review, it's very good.
Player One
Player One
unlike TWOM this is pretty hard, I mean it feels like surviving against time. its more hard than twom. but its really great and I hope they impelement more features.. or more horror to this 😳
A great review, thankyou!
Tân Trần
Tân Trần
ah thank you so much
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