You become a cute little piece of toast in the world of Toast It Up whose mission is to get outta the oven.
Story (★★★☆☆)
✔️ Simple mission: Avoid all obstacles and leave the oven in one piece
Gameplay (★★☆☆☆)
✔️ Fast-paced endless platformer
✔️ Decent level of challenge
✔️ A reminder of Doodle Jump
❌ Excitement wears off pretty quick
❌ Repetitive grind to collect skins
❌ Fiddly controls
Graphics (★★★☆☆)
✔️ Cute and simple art style
Audio (★★☆☆☆)
✔️ Simple soundscape
Verdict (★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆)
Toast It Up is an eccentric game that may have been loads of bun at times, so much so that it is able to fill a hole (at least before a more substantial meal comes along). However, I found that the fiddly controls does put a damper on things. Unless you are into these experiences in short bursts, I’d recommend you go for smth less stale.
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