This is a horror escape game. Items are picked up automatically, so it's not very difficult to find things. What is more difficult is that you need to deal with a terrible dog, if it finds you will be bitten to death. There is a little trick, in your search for good clues items when walking along the edge of the room, if there are items that can be picked up will be put into your item bar. I've used this method to find and fight several keys.
The game in general is not difficult, because the items are easy to find. Sometimes you see a dog and run ahead to a safe place where it won't catch up with you. Moreover, every 25 seconds the game will automatically archive, which ensures that you can continue from the archive point after an accidental death. But the game has a bug, I got stuck in the middle of the toilet door can not move. What's even more disappointing is that, due to the game's auto-archive, when I tried to go back to the archive point to continue the game, I was still stuck in the original position.
I am now out to restart the game with no other choice.
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