Horror Brawl: Terror Battle Royale Review—An Endeavour Into Dreary Horrors

Reading Time: 2 mins 40 secs
Aaaah… Finally, some peace and quiet... There's really no place better than home!
Blimey, I'm not sure about you, but I want nothing to do with any Christmas songs at this juncture. Don't get me wrong—I love Christmas just as much as the next person, but there are only so many Christmas songs a person can listen to on repeat since early last month.
Wanting to take a breather from all things Christmas, I couldn't help myself but immerse myself in the horror of the unexpected and All Hallows' eve. 
Lying near the fireplace, Axel, my adorable Great Dane who somehow thinks he's a lap dog, decides to lie right on me. Unable to even move a smidgen, that was how my venture into Horror Brawl: Terror Battle Royale (HB) began.
Partnered with Campero Games, HB is an intriguing concoction of the horror universe the developers, Keplerians Horror Game, have built and the deadly game of cat and mouse in Identity V. If you have ever played the Ice Scream series, you'll find that HB is a relatively familiar sight, albeit a tad bit better.
As I progress with the game, it dawns on me that though HB may possess the typic Battle Royale mechanics, Keplerians has made HB stand out from the others by including a transformation function to the characters.
So, what that means is that you will have an opportunity to turn into 'Horrors' (like an Evil Nun) once you have collected a sufficient number of diamonds in a match. With that, I think it offers a more versatile gameplay than the usual Battle Royales, allowing for a more varied experience.In a more diminutive match of 16 players, you will be teleported onto the battlefield instead of the usual PUBG-style descent. However, my main gripe with the matches is that everyone is scattered too sparsely on the map, as it takes me ages to run into anyone.As I explore the map, I'd tend to have an ill sense of foreboding and dread brewing in the pit of my stomach. Whenever I appear in an open space, I'd always go about the game begrudgingly. Sure, the sounds of footsteps may contribute to the hauntingly intensive atmosphere, but good lord, it doesn't help the situation at all! 😫
While it may seem somewhat friendlier than PUBG and Identity V, I'd still reckon it can be a rather infuriating title. Don't get me started on the controls that can be glitchy at times during a match!
However, if you think you have what it takes to stand up to the Horrors, gear up and put yourself to the test in the world of HB here.
That said, if HB isn't quite your cup of tea, follow my page and stay tuned for upcoming game reviews.
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horror brawl is a spectacular
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Salman khan
Salman khan
Salman khan
Salman khan
very nice 👌
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