Good game. Not battle royale. The modes are simple and nice. The characters are also good. Graphics are good not best. The movements could be improved further. They are sometimes slow If this will include battle royale, it will become more amazing
Edit:- The aim system is worst I have seen. Even with scope open , most of the bullets don't hit.... Its actually like bullets travel on their own path .. Beware, you can get one shot killed even with a pistol if shot on head.
Finally, matchmaking is disastrous. So far I have noticed that high level players in this game play a bit slow than lvl 10/12 players . Being a good player not best, I believe I can easily take diamond league or platinum minimum but since 2 weeks, stuck on gold. Thanks to the worst matchmaking
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Ancient Reaper
Ancient Reaper
Dude This A Fucking Valorant Copy don't You Know anything about Valorant dude
Akash Tripathi
Akash Tripathi
Obviously I don't know anything bruh.... I don't play games on PC or consoles
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