Played it on my Xiaomi 11t pro. Currently paragon 90 on Japan server.
It is a p2w game alright, so if you reply to this thread that this is not a pay to win game better check their shop monetization.
Now, i really love dungeon crawler games that you can play in a long term period and this is it, Diablo immortal can progress for a long term. I want to share what i experienced this closed beta.
Monetization - I really want this game to be a friendly free to play game and there should be a limit on spending real money. It is really hard on competitive play and i think its insane to buy legendary gems endlessly. Japan server is like a balance server where we can compete with dolphins. I can pay and support battlepasses but not with whales that spend so much on eternal orbs/platinum coins/ legendary crests/ awakening gears etc. Been on Korea server too, but that server had INSANE whales so nah not balance.
Party required on Hell dungeons - remove this or atleast just require 2 players on hell 3-4, not all of the players are very sociable and they very much like to be a lone wolf or just Solo grind which i pretty much preferred.
Factions - Immortals are much boring than Shadows, you can gain more rewards on shadow side rather than being immortal. Buff Adventurer faction too coz why not? Make more story, and rewards.
Classes - review some classes because Crusader is the best class in the game next is Barb imo and its not balance. Some classes like dh and wiz can easily be destroyed on pvp and im using barb 😂 so please change/balance some skills on open beta.
Server Paragon level - remove the penalty when above paragon level. Its stupid. Its a dungeon crawler game, there shouldnt have limits.
- so many bugs like falling endlessly on battlegrounds/arena when cc'd, high ping on connection issues, optimize the game compatibility on android phones and chipsets because when i do WORLD EVENT like ancient nightmare, my phone lags even tho its a 888sd, put fps options like 30/60/90/120. Battery saver option. Some feedbacks and bugs are reported on official Diablo Immortal discord.
But overall i really enjoyed playing diablo immorta, seen the end game for most classes, pvp/pve, different builds, quests. -cheesyFrankPH
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