Pre-Beta FAQ|Phantom Blade: Executioners

Hi all! Responses have been rad since we announced the date for our Closed Beta, with many questions. For the sake of efficiency, here are answers to the most common ones. Leave us a comment or message if yours is not answered.
Q. When does CB1 start?
A. CB1 starts on Jan 28, 2022, and ends by Feb 10.
Q. What should I expect?
A. Test run of limited scale, at the end of which your account will be wiped. No microtransaction during CB1. Please note that by “wiped”, we mean characters and progressed under your account will be deleted, but your S-GAME account itself will be kept, so that you can use it in later tests.
Q. How much of the full game is available for CB1?
A. Since this is a beta test, the primary objective is to give the basic features a test run. You will find 2 out of 4 playable characters (Soul and Mu Xiaokui), with character level capped at 44. You will have access to about 50% of all skills plus 3 main story chapters. The general availability of gear, Phantoms, quests, and stages add up to about 30% of the full game. It takes about 10 hours to finish CB1 story quests, but there are plenty of other things to do, as well.
*Please be aware that although this version of the game has social features, real-time coop and PvP is NOT among them. Multiplayer mode across countries, even continents, needs more polishing to ensure a reasonable experience. Rest assured that real-time multiplayer modes will be available in later tests. 
Q. Where can I get the game?
A. We will inform everyone successfully registered as CB1 testers via email on Jan 25. The CB1 game client will be available for download in the Google Play store on Jan 27. Please follow us on social media. We will issue notices should there be any change. It you have already secured a spot during the CB1 registration phase, just log into the game with your account on Jan 28 when CB1 formally starts.
Q. I missed the registration part. Can I still participate in CB1?
A. There may still be hope yet. Depending on the actual number of testers, we may offer additional spots after open enrollment. Be sure to follow us on social media and get noticed as soon as that happens.
*The purpose of CB1 is to find out this game works in the real world and fix issues. To get as much input as possible, we try to grant access to everyone who tries to register as a tester. If unfortunately you missed the train, please keep track of our announcements until the start of CB1. There might still be hope yet.
Q. What if I forgot my password?
A. If you did register as a CB1 tester but unfortunately forgot your password later, there is a “forgot password” button on the login screen once you have the game installed. Click it to reset your password. 
Q. What kind of device do I need for CB1?
A. CB1 is for Android only. We are rigorously working on the iOS version, but unfortunately, it’s not ready at this time. Our roadmap also covers PC and console releases, with HD graphics and shared accounts/characters with the mobile version. For the best mobile experience, we’d recommend devices running Android 9 or newer, with at least 6 GB of free storage available.
Q. Can I play on an Android emulator?
A. Yes. As far as we know, Phantom Blade: Executioners should work smoothly on most Android emulators. But each emulator is implemented differently. You might run into issues (primarily with the user interface) on some. If that happens, please let us know. We will try to resolve these issues after CB1. The bottom line is, we will offer a proper PC release when the game is officially ready, with an experience intended for keyboard/gamepad users.
Q. Any in-game event for CB1?
A. Yes! We are running three in-game events with nice rewards in currency, Phantom sigils, and equipment. Since this is the first CB ever, there is a limited-edition reward for you, dear trailblazers. You will find more about it on our social media accounts.
Q. What if the game stutters or my device runs burning hot?
A. For performance issue, a quick fix is to click on your avatar in the game, which brings up the settings menu. Tuning down resolution and frame rate may make the situation a little better. Most importantly, please kindly shared the issue with us, with detailed description (plus what device you’re using). So that we will try to give it a permanent fix with proper optimization.
Q. Where can I find the customer service?
A. Customer service email address is [email protected], or else you can just head to our Facebook page and drop a message. Rest assured help is on the way.
Q. When is the formal release?
A. That depends. The purpose of this CB1 is to find out what is simply not working and what could be done better. As of now, we just can’t say how much polishing is needed. Please follow us on social media and be noticed as soon as there is a release date. We are racing against the clock to get the final game to you in a quality that it deserves. Thank you for your support, as always.
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rizki ahmad
rizki ahmad
Halmar balmaceda
Halmar balmaceda
Fun game , but can't complete the skin event , don't know if there it's a bug but I started to get a massage  The connection time run out  After i hit lv 33 , can't login.  O well hope the release work beter
Sakurai Hiino
Sakurai Hiino
I'm so ready to play this wild game.
Okay, really and phantom blade supposed to be global launch release date on 2022?!!
🤩✌🏿 Logo no nosso canal X jogos na área  ✅🤪
I really like the art style thats why im looking forward to this game, hope i can play test too
I would like to join too
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