KPL Update: Wolves Beat XYG 3:1, GK Defeat WB 3:0

Two matches were held yesterday for the KPL Spring Split’s second round. In group S, Chongqing Wolves beat XYG 3:1, and in Group A, Foshan GK defeated Beijing WB 3:0.
In detail, in the first game of the series between Wolves and XYG, at 10 minutes, the Wolves killed the Juggernaut, and two minutes later, they took the Tyrant. At 24 minutes, Wolves took the Dragon, which led them to a victory.
The Wolves’ advantage was again considerable in game two of the set. The Kills were 9:2 by the end, and Wolves won. In the next game of the set, XYG bounced back. The team took a Tyrant at 3 minutes and a Juggernaut two minutes later. At 14 minutes, XYG made three kills on the mid lane and afterward gained a victory.
But Wolves didn’t leave KPL fans with much suspense. In game four of the set, they won a landslide victory.
     Chongqing Wolves ranks first in top-contending Group S.
As for the series between GK and WB, GK had an obvious advantage. Two of the three MVPs were given to GK’s Agai, and the other one went to GK’s Baishou.
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