was good for an alpha test. sensitivity controls could use some more depth, like gyroscope and ads sensitivity having different settings for different optic types and zoom levels, or having the option to create a custom sensitivity for individual weapons like in pubg mobile would be great too. I'd also really like it if there was an fov slider in the full release. fov was pretty low in alpha making movement seem really slow, and limiting the amount of area I have to see, which isn't really good for an fps game. feels like permanent tunnel vision. I need to see more so I can spot enemies instead of being blindsided by a guy 76°, outside of my view by 1°
overall gameplay and controls were good and somewhat similar to bf3 console release (from what I remember). not too many glitches, with non of them being game breaking. the environment was destructible to some degree, but I would like to see more. I had fun playing the alpha, and I can't wait for them to launch with servers in my country so I can play with less lag (I'm not taking point away for lag, because servers were in Asia for a restricted regional alpha test. I wasn't even supposed to play it in the first place)
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