Every strategy i made is so perfect that the only things that make me lose is the Goblin wave and the Food meter of my every colonist, what's more fck that is that when your farmer is too hungry he/she will never plant anymore like how the fck are you gonna eat if you don't even plant a single fcking potato,carrot seed in the fcking dirt that it made it so dry that they don't even bother to rake,shovel it up again pls add apple trees or bushes or animals that spawn randomly for the Food issue, Can we make a Butchers table or a Campfire to cook processed food,you can't bury dead bodies,When the colonist leaves he/she will take the clothes and tools with him i experience this in my fcking miner where he lefts the colony with the fcking pickaxe making the game unplayable cause the merchant is always in the other side of the river and i need stone to make a bridge and the only pickaxe was been kidnapped by a fcking depressed dude i mean there's nothing activity to do so whatever you do every colonist will be fcking depressed and you can't make a sword in the blacksmith making my colonist using their bare hands to fight a goblin with armor and a sword, pls make random potatos,carrots,beets,cotton,wheat in the map and more pls update the time in this game it's too fast like planting 2 potatos take 1 month like wtf.
I loved the game cause it's really similar to RimWorld but this version is like a DLC Mod of Hell for RimWorld
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