The artwork is good, but there is not much else to say about this one in its current form. It is buggy and somewhat unoriginal, but it is no worse than some of the current quest-based MMOs.
The game is almost completely automated and the skills often feel like they do not actually fit the characters. This causes the battles to appear broken, despite being exactly as intended. While walking to the next quest, there are many times when you will suddenly warp as the game reconnects. This is understandable when trying to load a large environment, but less when simply moving in one that has already loaded. The quests are bland and the rewards are designed to slowly introduce each equipment item, skill, etc. Games like this can easily become boring before you even obtain a full equipment set.
It is always interesting to see games try to put their title in English to give it some "foreign appeal" until they misspell it. "Iron Fortres" is printed alongside the title, which is a typo. This has the inverse effect of feeling like a mockery, since even a basic spell check could have prevented the issue.
This is where I would normally provide the video used to write this review, but it appears the companies behind this game block recordings. I only hope they can sell a mediocre title well enough on their own. Player recordings play a large part in advertising games when every box looks the same.
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