● Warpath is an RTS game made by Lilith Games, who also made the Rise of Kingdom.
● It becomes frustrating when you have to face off against pay to win fighters. Warpath is a cash grab.
● Historically accurate WW2 units.
Lilith Games do like developing RTSs, After Rising of Kingdoms and AFK Arena, Warpath comes to us. I haven't been particularly fond of mobile command & conquer games, because they are always being cash grabs and some of them reached beyond reason level. Warpath is no exception, it becomes frustrating when you have to face off against pay to win fighters. If you’re not in the scope of the rich, I suggest you be more cautious of playing those kinds of games. If you’re one of the rich, here are some game features you might want to know.
Warpath takes place in an alternate 1941 when WW2 was going on. Apart from the antagonists are not Nazis anymore but a group of guys is known as Raven.The units of Warpath are historically accurate, ranging from infantry and armor to artillery and aircraft. And one of the features is we have maximum control over our unit like traditional RTS in Warpath. If I put aside my prejudice against pay to win, It will be fun to make an alliance with friends and fight with other players. From diplomacy to countless campaigns, and finally conquering the world, the game just stimulates what most countries would do on the international stage.
Of course, if you've played the Rise of Kingdom, you would know war always costs a lot of resources(The money in your pocket). Although you still can keep alive when you are free to play, you won’t truly get involved in the core conquest process.
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